TTT 101 Freedom Comeback

After two years of tyranny to keep flattening that curve are we seeing freedom comeback? NZ Parliamentarians are now prepared to negotiate with the convoy protestors and in Eastern Australia, the end of QR codes and masks are in sight. Tim and Stephen provide their analysis on this week’s Trad Tasman Talk.
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Victoria and NSW have scrapped density limits, singing and dancing bans, and QR codes in nonvaccine passport settings but masks will still be mandatory indoors for at least another week. The international borders will be open to tourists from Monday and WA Premier Mark McGowan this afternoon announced a new reopening date for his state of March 3.
The NZ convoy outside Parliament House in Wellington has continued to gain support, including from prominent NZ celebrities such as former champion yachtsman Sir Russell Coutts. ACT Party Leader David Seymour met with the convoy members. The NZ Police decided against towing convoy members’ cars clearly wanting to avoid a Canadian-style crushing of the convoy.
There have been questions asked by MPs if the Australian Federal Police (AFP) used LRAD sonic weapons against Canberra convoy protestors on the weekend. The AFP confirmed that LRAD devices were present at the protest but were not used as sonic weapons and would only be used to communicate with the protestors.
Australia’s China Problem is coming into focus this election with revelations another Chinese businessman attempted to bankroll NSW Labor candidates with the plot disrupted by ASIO. Scott Morrison in Parliament called Deputy Labor Leader Richard Marles a Manchirin candidate over a 2019 speech he gave in China calling for greater defence ties between the two nations.
The federal budget is due in March and as a pre-election sweetener, the Morrison Government is planning a 50% tax cut on draft beer. However, the CEO of Spirits and Cocktails Australia has called the proposed tax cut sexist because it will mainly benefit male drinkers and there should be across the board alcohol tax cuts in the name of gender equality.
After successfully spearheading the legalization of sex work in Victoria Reason Party MLC Fiona Patten will now introduce a bill to decriminalize illicit drugs. She normally gets wants she wants from the Andrews Government which previously included heroin injecting rooms, but so far they will not support her new bill.
Rebel News Reporter Avi Yemini through a defamation suit is attempting to unmask the PRGuy17 Twitter account. This anonymous account since appearing in March 2020 has shilled uncritically and sycophantically for Dan Andrews throughout his pandemic lockdown response. It is rumoured the account is run by a staffer in Andrews’ office.
The NZ Greens are pushing for the Ardern Government to have a dedicated ministry for LGBTQIA+ communities. In Victoria there is already an Equality Minister Martin Foley as well as Liberal Opposition Equality spokesperson.
Police backtrack on towing Parliament protesters’ vehicles – 1News
ACT Leader David Seymour, defends meeting with anti-mandate protesters, slams Government’s response – Newshub
Proposed beer discount slammed as ‘sexist’ by spirit, cocktails industry –
Radical drug decriminalisation legislation to go before Victorian Parliament – 3AW
Avi Yemini files lawsuit to unmask ‘PRGuy’ – Rebel News
LGBTQIA+ advocates back Green Party’s call for a ministry for rainbow communities – Stuff