TNE 98 Zombies, Bushpigs and Manlets

It was dawn of the brainless zombies in NZ as they ran Kellie-Jay Keen out whom Lidia Thorpe performed the bushpig dance in front of in Canberra. Liberal Manlet John Pesutto has failed to boot Moira Deeming. All the latest from Red Australia and the revolts overseas on Tim’s News Explosion.
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Dan Andrews is on his way to China for a four-day trip. No media is allowed to travel with him because the CCP dislikes scrutiny. At a press conference yesterday Dan batted away all criticisms of his visit including not mentioning China’s human rights abuses by replying the visit was about good relations with Victoria’s biggest trading partner and lobbying for the return of international students.
The scrutiny of Dan’s China trip was overshadowed today by the Victorian Liberal party room deciding not to expel Moria Deeming from and instead suspending her for 9 months for attending the Melbourne Let Women Speak event. State Liberal leader John Pesutto is finished, he claimed he backed down from expelling Moria because of new information. But Moira who did nothing wrong did not condemn Kellie-Jay Keen or the other organisers of the Melbourne event.
On the final legs of Kellie-Jay Keen’s Australia tour, she was shouted down in Hobart with Tasmanian Greens Leader Cassy O’Connor joining the protest with her trans-son. O’Connor’s partner Federal Greens Senator Nick McKim went on a rant against Kellie-Jay in Parliament. In
Canberra Lidia Thorpe tried to storm the stage when Kellie-Jay was speaking and was tackled by Australian Federal Police. Sky News TikTok presenter Carla Efstratiou said Thorpe had all the grace of a bush pig. Kellie-Jay left New Zealand after her Auckland event was shut down by the zombie mob. The next day trans activists celebrated running her out of the country with rallies in Wellington and Christchurch.
The World Athletics Council has banned transwomen from competing against biological women in the women’s category. This decision follows the same ruling by World Aquatics last year.
Coalition Senator Sarah Henderson became all blubbery when the Coalition was attempting to introduce legislation banning the swastika and Labor Minister Murray Watt injected about her lobbying for Moira Deeming.
Both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice referendum question and what will be inserted into Australia’s Constitution if gets up were released by the Albanese Government. They won’t release the Solicitor General’s advice which could contain concerns about potential High Court rulings if the voice was deemed not able to make certain representations.
Will the voice stop violent crime in the Northern Territory? There was an anti-crime rally in Darwin after the stabbing death of bottleshop worker Declan Laverty. There was another weekend of violence in Alice Springs. In Queensland, three teenage girls have been charged over the filmed physical beating of 14-year-old Kirra Hart. Queensland Police shot dead a 27-year-old Aboriginal man in the remote town of Mareeba who charged towards the officers with a knife.
As the counting continues in the NSW state election it looks like the Labor Party won’t have a majority in the Lower House but Chris Minns will still become Premier. In the Upper House Mark Latham’s One Nation underperformed with its chasing of the multi-ethnic vote not paying off.
There have been riots in France opposing President Emmanuel Macron’s ramming through without a parliamentary vote raising the pension age from 62 to 64. There have been protests in Israel against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial reforms aimed at curtailing the court’s power to veto the Knessett’s legislation.
Donald Trump had a huge rally in Waco, Texas promising to end US involvement in the Russia-Ukriane conflict with a peace deal. Ted Nugent who opened for Trump called Zelensky a homosexual weirdo. Russia is sending nuclear weapons to Belarus which has upset NATO. The Biden Adminstration is threatening sanctions against Uganda for its new law which punishes identifying as LGBT with life imprisonment.
Dan Andrews bans reporters from latest China trip – Rebel News
Deeming spared expulsion after plea to colleagues and Pesutto backflip – The Age
Lidia Thorpedoed Out Of Canberra Let Women Speak Rally – TU
World Athletics Bans Trans Athletes from Competing in Female World Ranking Competitions – Breitbart
Thousands rally against violent crime after Darwin bottleshop worker Declan Laverty’s alleged murder – NT News
Support Kirra Hart through this insanely hard time – GoFundMe
Man shot by police in northern Queensland after four-hour siege – 9News
Legislative Council Results – NSW Election 2023
Has Emmanuel Macron become France’s ‘Caligula’? – Spectator Australia
Netanyahu likely to stop reform legislation with Levin’s support – Jerusalem Post
Putin Says Russia Will Deploy Nuclear Weapons to Belarus –
US expresses concern over Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law, warns African nation of ‘repercussions’ – Wion