TNE 63 Bad Seeds

The globalists’ new war on farmers’ fertilizers has planted bad seeds in Sri Lanka and the Netherlands. Political turmoil has shaken the UK and Japan. I cover another tumultuous week around the world on Tim’s News Explosion.
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Victoria remains the place to flee according to interstate migration data from the ABS comparing the covid years to the two pre-covid years. Victoria went from the second most popular interstate migration destination to the second most popular state to flee. The new Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas has not ruled out bringing back restrictions which CHO bedwetter Brett Sutton has always been a fan of recommending.
With much fear being spread in the media about the unfolding Omicron BA5 subvariant wave Professor Francois Balloux posted a satirical tweet about a BA6 subvariant being the ultimate beast. More seriously two people in Ghana have died of Marburg virus, an Ebola-type hemorrhagic fever that has a 50% fatality rate. It was first discovered after a lab leak in the German city of Malburg.
A revolution took place in Sri Lanka on Saturday with citizens storming the Presidential Palace demanding the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The ruling Rajapaksa family has created an agriculture disaster by forcing the use of synthetic fertilizer upon the nation’s farmers leading to food and fuel shortages and bankrupting the nation. Another uprising is occurring in the Netherlands with Dutch farmers blockading transport routes against the government’s plan to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% by 2030 to fight climate change which would destroy family farms.
The resignation of Boris Johnson last week as leader of the Conservative Party has opened up a Melbourne cup field of candidates wanting to be the new leader and hence Prime Minister. After MPs vote down the field to a final two the Conservative membership have the final vote. Of the declared candidates a majority of them are non-indigenous Brits and if any of them is to become Prime Minister it would reshape the British identity even further.
The free world was shocked by the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe while campaigning for his Liberal Democratic Party in Upper House elections. The accused assassin Yamagami Tetsuya who made his own gun told investigators he believed Abe was linked to a religious group that he blamed for his mother’s financial problems.
A disgusting mass shooting on the 4th of July in Chigaco killed seven people, the accused degenerate Robert E Crimo III was already on the FBI radar as have previous mass shooters. A mass shooting occurred in a shopping center in Copenhagen which killed three, authorities believe the suspect has mental health issues and there is no indication of a terror motive.
Joe Biden has had another alarming cognitive lapse when he read out cutes from a teleprompter that read ‘end of quote, repeat the line’. The Georgia Guidestones a mysterious construction in 1980 which advocate global depopulation have now been mysteriously destroyed in an early morning explosion.
A mass migration – Victorians leave the state at record rate in pandemic – The Age
Two suspected cases of Marburg virus disease reported in Ghana – ABC
Assassination of Shinzo Abe. Suspect was motivated by anger towards a religious group he blamed for mother’s bankruptcy – Yahoo
Copenhagen shooting: Shopping mall gunman charged with murder – BBC News
Cross-Dressing Parade Gunman Bought 5 Weapons Despite Threats – Zero Hedge
Biden: ‘I Apologize For My Latest Teleprompter Gaffe, End Apology’ – Babylon Bee
Explosion Partially Destroys Georgia Guidestones – Summit News