
In last week’s federal election freedom didn’t win, this time. On this Sunday special of Tim’s News Explosion, I speak with the Senior Editor of The Unshackled and United Australia Party Volunteer Damien Ferri. We will explore post-election are we in a post freedom Australia?

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In Damien’s electorate of Cunningham in Wollongong, the Labor and Greens volunteers were very hostile to the United Australia Party and Clive Palmer. Many UAP signs disappeared from the area in the middle of the night. He was surprised that despite many receptive to the UAP at his local booths this only translated to 5% of the primary vote. Damien believes that Clive being front and center in UAP advertising didn’t effectively communicate the party’s new freedom philosophy.

Damien was disappointed in the Senate election results of all the freedom parties. Pauline Hanson looks like just scraping back into the Senate in Queensland. The UAP is in the race for the final Senate seat in Victoria. It appears that things have to get much worse in Australia before there will more votes against the major parties who locked Australians up during the past two years and forced them to get vaccines. The pandemic continues and there is fresh alarm over monkeypox. Australia is just about to enter winter with the flu increasing in circulation.

Damien agrees that the Liberal Party under Peter Dutton should focus on the suburbs, not the inner cities where their moderate MPs lost to the Teals. He is anticipating that under an Albanese Government cost of living and energy prices will increase. He believes in the heightened national security environment Australia needs to produce and employ more locally not open up the floodgates to mass migration again.

ABC’s Federal Election Results Projections

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