The Uncuckables Ep. 73 They Hate You

The Victorian Labor Party’s branch stacking scandal and abusive texts, audio and videos revealed have demonstrated again the truth about the left: they hate you. On the Uncuckables panel this week is just the two main guys: Tim Wilms Editor in Chief of The Unshackled and David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ.
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Teflon Dan Andrews has had a sticky week. Nine’s 60 Minutes program and The Age newspaper released secret recordings of Victorian Labor powerbroker Adem Somyurek bragging about and organising branch stacking on the taxpayer dollar. In the recordings he uses violent language against women and disparages gays and migrants.
The secret recordings were taken in the offices of the Labor Federal Member for Holt Anthony Byrne Deputy Chair of Parliament’s intelligence committee. David speculates that the hit job on Somyurek was assisted by Australia’s intelligence agencies due to the Victorian Government’s support for China’s one belt on road globalist infrastructure program.
It all appears to be finally falling apart for Dan Andrews with Victoria recording two days of significant spikes in new coronavirus infections. Youth gangs are also back out of Melbournes streets with a 16 year old white girl punched a kicked by a gang of 8 African girls on Sunday morning. A 15 year old Samoan boy was stabbed to death in Deer Park on Wednesday afternoon.
For the second half of the show the Senator Slayer phones in Another riot after the death of a black criminal has occurred in a major United States city. Rayshard Brooks who stole a police taser was shot dead by police outside a Wendy’s which rioters burnt down. Despite being looted and burned down corporations are still virtue signalling their support for Black Lives Matter and removing any branding or content considered racist by someone somewhere.
Victorian Crime Dystopia – Youth Gang Attacks Return
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