The Uncuckables Ep. 57 The Absolute Welfare State

As the coronavirus pandemic continues it is now far to say Australia is in total lockdown and is an absolute welfare state. To enjoy our remaining civil liberty to free speech on this week’s Uncuckables is Tim Wilms Editor in Chief of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, Matty Rose from Matty’s Modern Life and Stefanous from Australian Meditations.
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You can now only leave your house for essential supplies, work or exercise. If you don’t have a valid reason or are not practicing social distancing you can receive an on the spot fine in the thousands and jail time. State border restrictions are increasing with Western Australia now defacto becoming its own nation banning Easterns from coming.
China’s wet markets have reopened and are selling bats to eat. The outbreak was either caused by batsoup or an accidental or intentional bio-weapon release in a facility just outside of Wuhan. Many Australian politicians are now demanding that China should pay reparations and compensation for creating the virus.
Many in the media are now relaying nationalist talking points and positions as the only way we can contain future pandemics. Australia will be forced to be more self-sufficient post-pandemic as Europe and the United States will be decimated severely by coronavirus. Resentment in the Australian community against Chinese in Australia for both spreading the virus and sending medical and other essential supplies back to China is growing.
Snackin’ in Wuhan – The XYZ
Lisa Neville wants you to dob your neighbour in – The XYZ
Australia’s Jewish Treasurer will protect us from Chinese takeover – The XYZ
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