The Uncuckables Ep. 25 Brexit and Youexit

Exiting those seeking to control your mind and your life is the message of this week’s show. In the studio as always is Tim Wilms Editor in Chief of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of The XYZ, for the first third of the show James Fox Higgins of the Rational Rise, then for the second third Matty Rose from Matty’s Modern Life, and Tim and David take home the rest.
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On last week’s show, we focused on the lenient sentences given out to convicted pedophiles in Australia. Just this week, a convicted pedophile and child-killer was released from prison, despite public outcry. The federal government this week introduced legislation to try and keep pedophiles behind bars. Samraat Joshua Grewal wrote on the Unshackled this week that capital punishment should be introduced for pedophiles.
James talks about the launch of Rational Rise TV which is a new self-hosted video platform where all of us and others can escape the increasing censorship of YouTube. Supporters of ours can pledge regular contributions to creators: in future, it will include lifestyle, historical and biblical content.
When Matty arrives, he steers the discussion towards the footy finals, his fitness plans and articles he is not allowed to talk about. We then get to the latest in the Brexit battle where the globalists are attempting to make Boris Johnson a lame duck Prime Minister, not allowing him to leave the European Union or call a general election.
Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, has withdrawn the extradition to China bill that has triggered 13 weeks of pro-democracy protests. China takes full control of the region in 2047, so the people of Hong Kong have won for now, but their totalitarian future has only been deferred.
Australian politics has been consumed this week by Labor and the left demanding that the Morrison Government allow a Tamil Sri Lankan family to remain in Australia, despite them being found multiple times not be refugees. We debunk the argument that Tamils are in any danger in Sri Lanka anymore.
Vegans have again been forcing their lifestyle on meat-eaters with a vegan in Perth taking her neighbours to court over the smell of their barbecue. Local meat-eaters, in response, plan to have their own barbecue in her local neighbourhood.
Other news is a Jeffrey Epstein look-alike has been spotted on his Caribbean Island, fuelling further speculation that he may have faked his “suicide”.
A new universal hate speech law has been introduced into Victoria’s parliament by Reason Party MP Fiona Patten. Soon it will be illegal to call anyone a junkie, a whore, fat or ugly.
Card girls have been banned from a boxing match in Bendigo after pressure from local Councillors, either in the name of gender equality or to avoid offending the future members of the mosque being constructed in the city.
Pedophiles in Australia Could Face Life Behind Bars – Epoch Times
Killer pedophile Guider released from jail – The West
We Should Execute Convicted Pedophiles – TU
The Exodus has begun! – Rational Rise Blog
Tamils fear ongoing persecution in Sri Lanka as Australia prepares to deport Biloela family – ABC News Australia
Cookout planned outside vegan’s house that wants neighbour’s BBQ banned –
New ‘Anti-Trolling’ Laws To Stop Online Abuse And Harassment – 10daily
Word warning: Don’t call them ‘junkies’, ‘addicts’ or even ‘drug users’ – 3AW
Jeffrey Epstein Lookalike Spotted … On Epstein Island – TU
First they came for the Grid Girls – XYZ
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