brawler and the brian 5

Swabbings, injections are still at the top of the globalist agenda as we get our constant reminders that these are the only methods available to return to old normal maybe. Jarras Searby and Tim Wilms discuss on this week’s Brawler and the Brain.

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In Victoria Dan Andrews is set to get through another extension to the state’s state of emergency powers for the next nine moths thanks to the three stooges on the Victorian Upper House crossbench. The vaccine rollout in Australia is in its second week with so called conservatives claiming the problem so far is not enough vaccines have been injected. The Australian Federal Police have launched an anti-vax squad due to activism against mandatory vaccines.

China Gave Biden Officials Anal COVID Swab Tests “In Error” – The Gateway Pundit
Fears vaccine hubs could be ‘targeted’ as online chatter spikes – 9News
COVID fines for teens may be waived under state of emergency deal – The Age



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