Regardless of Bernardi’s Plans the Australian Right Must Unite


2016 around the world has seen a resurgence of the right. For years we have seen the progressive left take over cultural institutions, control our media, open our borders, introduce various green schemes and depress our economies. This was the year when the famous silent majority began to take back their countries and way of life. It started with Brexit in the United Kingdom when the majority of voters decided to leave the globalist European Union and ended with the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

The only country which did not see much progress in stopping the left’s agenda was Australia, even though we had a federal election. We were given a choice between two left wing candidates for the Prime Ministership in Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten. The Liberal/National Coalition just fell over the finish line with a bare majority of seats, arguably because it at least had some right wing MPs and Senators who could influence government policy.

After the federal election in July, we still see Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ignoring some of the key issues of concern to mainstream Australians. He still refuses to concede that radical Islam is a problem and that our immigration program needs to be reconsidered. He is still committed to the green religion signing us up to Paris Climate Accord, a renewable energy target and has even flirted with the return of a carbon tax. He also continues to flirt with the left on key cultural and social goals such as same sex marriage and the republic.

Given the direction Turnbull is taking the country and the disenfranchisement among voters, many right wing commentators and members of the general public have pondered whether a proper conservative party should be established. It is also due to the fact that the internal structure of the Liberal Party at least in New South Wales is rigged to favour the left faction of the party and Liberal HQ has the power to reject membership applications of people who have previously been involved in other right wing parties.

This idea of a breakaway conservative party was propelled back into the mainstream news this week by a series of articles by Sarah Martin in The Australian newspaper speculating that conservative Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi could break away to form his own party. Cory has long been seen as the leading voice of conservatives in the federal parliament.

After the federal election he established a new organisation called Australian Conservatives with the aim of bringing conservatives together in one hub. So far not much content has been published but nearly 60,000 people have signed up to its newsletter, all could be potential members of a break away party.

Bernardi has promised a massive 2017 with the aim of expanding the organisation.  He has also established another website Australian Majority which will launch in 2017, although it’s unclear what role this website will take at this stage. It is worth noting this is not the first time Bernardi has attempted to create a conservative lobby group with the Conservative Action Network (CANdo) established in 2011 to help fight the then carbon tax but is largely inactive now.

This speculation about whether Bernardi will establish a new conservative political party ignores the fact that we already have more than a dozen conservative micro parties all vying for the conservative vote. Any new conservative party would be competing against these other parties and given the new Senate voting system it would make it harder for a conservative party candidate to be elected.

Among the conservative parties that have elected representatives in Australian parliaments are One Nation, Family First, Democratic Labor Party, Christian Democrats, Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, Katter’s Australian Party and the Liberal Democrats. There are also dozens of other micro conservative parties running in each election as well. All of these parties would like to be the main conservative alternative and it is unlikely that their leaderships, given all of the time and money they have invested in making them viable will abandon them and unite under a new conservative banner.

This is the main hindrance to the resurgence of the right in Australia, rather than unite, everyone wants to be the alternative conservative party by themselves when uniting under one party would be the option that would lead to sustained electoral success. Egos and minor differences in policies should be put aside in goal of providing an alternative conservative voice. This should be the case regardless of whether Bernardi starts a new political party or not.

Even though the left are a destructive force they are much more united in politics and elections. The Greens by remaining a united force have been able to establish continued electoral success hence why they have become so influential.

Brexit and Trump should be an example of what we could do if we are united. Brexit succeeded because it was a simple two option question which made it easy for the voters to communicate their viewpoint. In the United States conservatives and members of the new right united around the candidacy of Trump which meant he was able to knock out 16 other establishment Republican candidates then defeat Hillary Clinton in the general election.

We have the majority of people in Australia on our side, they just need a united viable alternative right wing option in future elections to help retake this country, its culture and institutions. Various groups on the right need to put aside their differences, stop trying to be the hero by themselves and work together to begin the fightback here in Australia. We owe it to the people and to our country.

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