
Ever since Victoria’s African Youth Gang Crime Wave surged over the Christmas and New Year period the left have continued to deny this is a major crisis in the state as they see their multicultural utopia crumble. They sought to mock Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton when he said on Radio 2GB “people are scared to go out to restaurants of a night-time” with inner city lefties posting photos of themselves out to dinner in Melbourne claiming it proved the city was safe.

The deniers continued with their claims it was all a media beatup with ABC investigative reporter Louise Milligan even going as far to say in a now deleted tweet “I have never heard a single person say they were afraid to go out to a restaurant in Melbourne. Never met anyone worried about “African” gangs. In fact, before the paper decided it was a yarn, never heard anyone mention “African” gangs in conversation. Not once”.

But now polling was released today which shows how the residents in the suburbs of Melbourne that are actually affected by gang violence are feeling. A ReachTEL poll commissed by the The Age shows that in the western Melbourne seat of Tarniet which Labor holds by 15% and where some of the most high profile incidents of gang violence have occurred showed that more than a third of voters said they or someone they knew had been a gang violence victim in the past year.

In the seat of Cranbourne which Labor holds by 2.3% where just yesterday a 7-Eleven was held up by a man described of being of African appearance imore than a quarter of voters polled said gang violence had affected them or someone they knew in the last year. In both of these seats 70 per cent of residents polled stated that the crime wave was mainly perpetrated by “gangs of African origin”.

The poll also directly asked voters about Peter Dutton’s comments last week with a majority in both seats said they were less likely to go out at night than a year ago because of fear of gang violence. This finding should demonstrate the scorn in which the inner city lefties hold the concerns of these residents out in the suburbs.

However despite Daniel Andrews politically correct approach to law and order policies 67 per cent of voters in Cranbourne and 75 per cent of voters in Tarniet stated they believed Premier Andrews would do a better job at keeping them safe than Opposition Leader Matthew Guy. Instead voters blamed the courts, lack of proper parenting and the police for the increase in youth crime. This poll would seem to suggest just how ingrained the centre-left leaning nature of Victoria is in voters even on law and order.

The message from the voters in the areas affected is clear, more than half said law and order was their biggest concern. This is not just an issue whipped up because it is an election year, it is real issue, with real victims and affecting the lives of countless ordinary citizens, and it is only getting worse.

Victoria’s Police Commissioner Graham Ashton arrived back from sick leave today to tackle the crisis, we are still waiting for Daniel Andrews to return to work. A lot needs to change for his government to have any hope of solving this outbreak of crime which has occurred on his watch, let alone winning the next state election.


Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.