Pauline Hanson is Back!
One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson is back to her defiant and unapologetic ways as she has become the latest public enemy in Australia post the Christchurch mosque shootings.
Former One Nation Senator Fraser Anning had copped most of the media and political class’ wrath following the shooting for his controversial press released on the Friday evening blaming the shooting on Muslim migration and called it blowback.
Pauline Hanson had stayed silent for most of the weekend following the shooting. But she arrived on Monday morning on Channel Seven’s Sunrise program for her regular segment and went up against host David Koch and fellow Senator Derryn Hinch.
Kochie launched right into Hanson aggressively pointing at her and invading her personal space blaming her views for inspiring the shooter Australian born Brenton Tarant: “This terrorist manifesto almost reads like One Nation immigration and Muslim policy. Do you in any way feel complicit with this atrocity?”
Kochie not finished also inaccurately alleged “Most of the terrorist attacks are [carried out by] right-wing white supremacists that are egged on by your comments, by your anti-Muslim comments, saying ‘they don’t deserve to be here’, that ‘they will take over our country'”.
Kochie was clearly trying to break Hanson and get some sort of contrition from her “Can you understand how that empowers a white supremacist … into seeing it as a call to arms?”
Hanson was having none of it “That is a load of rubbish” and the events in Christchurch would not have her lose track of the bigger picture
“I feel for the families that have lost lives … We have problems but you’ve actually got to discuss it and debate the issues. Why do we have terrorist attacks in this country? Why is it happening around the world?”
She affirmed her opposition to the Islamisation of Australia “I don’t believe in Sharia Law. I don’t believe in the suppression of women. I don’t believe in the mutilation of children’s genitals”
Hanson also said she would abstain from the censure motion that will put against Fraser Anning when the Senate next sits because it won’t “prove a damn thing”. Derryn Hinch who claimed he had to wash his hands after shaking Anning after his maiden speech called Hanson’s position “cowardly”.
The right-wing during the weekend appeared more interested in condemning Anning’s remarks but by Monday morning it appeared to hit them that free speech would come under renewed assault from the left post-Christchurch and they came rallying to Hanson’s defence.
It was labelled an ambush with Koch aggressively getting in Hanson’s face accused of being a bully. It has also been pointed out Koch displayed traits toxic masculinity when he is a White Ribbon Ambassador.
If Alan Jones for example had behaved in that manner towards a female left wing politician there would be calls to have him sacked. With petitions seeming to be the current go to method of expressing public anger a petition launched to have Koch sacked from Sunrise has gained over 60,000 signatures so far.
Kochie despite his best efforts at virtue signalling his disdain for Hanson’s policies, it did not please the leftist on social media who blame programs such as Sunrise for giving Hanson regular airtime and normalizing her views.
Pauline Hanson responded later in the day on her own social media channels stating she felt ambushed on Sunrise and her views and policies would not be changing. She still wanted to give the Australian people a say on further immigration. She labelled the Anning censure motion meaningless and although she didn’t agree with his statement he was entitled to his free speech.
Scott Morrison today ruled out doing any further preference deals with One Nation in the wake of the Christchurch shooting, but didn’t go as far saying he would put them last, as Labor is attempting to wedge the Coalition into doing.
Hanson responded in a statement highlighting “If the Prime Minister feels it is better for the Liberals to flow their preferences to the economy destroying Greens and Labor before One Nation, Australian voters will react” adding that with this attitude Morrison “deserves to lose the next election”.
Hanson had somewhat been on the nose within the nationalist community beginning with her condemnation of Anning’s maiden speech in August 2018 calling it “appalling” and was “straight from Goebbels handbook”.
One Nation in New South Wales under Mark Latham’s leadership in the state election has come under particular criticism from nationalists with the selection of Muslim candidate Emma Eros and Latham’s support for gun control in Australia and in the wake of Christchurch urging New Zealand to introduce the same policies.
Well done Jacinda Ardern in tightening NZ gun laws to bring them into line with Aust.
Due to 1996 Howard laws our country has been blessed to avoid public massacres for 23 yrs.
These laws also respect rights of law abiding recreational shooters.
NSW One Nation supports them 100%— Real Mark Latham (@RealMarkLatham) March 16, 2019
But since her Sunrise appearance Monday morning Hanson and the rest of the One Nation party machine has been promoting it’s policies for tougher vetting of immigrants and new citizens using attack as the best form of defence.
Mainstream conservative commentators who have founded themselves under fire for their previous critiques of Islam such as Miranda Devine and Rita Panahi have responded they would write it all again.
I stand by every word. Is that the best you can come up with, trawling back through 16 years of columns?
— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) March 19, 2019
The right wing is not dead after all as the battle for free speech and the attempts to shut down debate on immigration and Islam is intensifying.