Neil Erikson Charged Over Milo Event Clash

Patriot activist Neil Erikson has today been charged over the clash that occurred outside the Milo Yiannopoulos speaking event in Kensington, Melbourne on Monday 4th December. He was charged with six offenses including affray, four counts of unlawful assault and behaving in riotous manner. Also charged was fellow patriot activist Ricky Turner.
Erikson and Turner will appear before the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Friday 8th June next year and have been barred from associating with each other.
Despite the event being kept secret until only an hour before it was due to commence the left wing street protest group the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism still managed to picket the event. A number of patriot activists including Erikson and United Patriot Front leader Blair Cottrell attended to defend the event. Despite a heavy police presence a confrontation still ensured between the two groups.
The protest turned into a full scale riot when leftist protestors invited members of the local housing commission to join the protest who then threw rocks at police and attacked attendees when they left the venue.
Victoria Police sent a bill for their presence at the rally to the organizers of the Milo event Penthouse for $50,000. Many viewed this as victim blaming given that it was the left wing protestors who initiated the disturbance, Penthouse have stated the will not be paying it.
Erikson was one of the Bendigo three members who was found guilty earlier this year under Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act for insulting Islam over a mock beheading video.
He and two other patriot activists also confronted Labor Senator Sam Dastyari in Melbourne over his Chinese connections before the latest revelations occurred.
He has also had a court order from his former employer Toll to hand back the uniform he has been wearing at various rallies as a form of revenge against his dismissal from the company.
The charges are a sign that both Victoria Police and the Victorian Government are wanting to crackdown on street activism.