Jacinda Ardern’s Pregnancy and Western Demography


Last year I wrote about the demographics of the west as the controversy raged about how it was so inappropriate to ask Jacinda if she was going to have a baby. Never mind that she had told us she wanted a baby. The same media that told us how sexist it was to assume that a woman might want a baby is now fawning over that same baby. The hypocrisy continues as the pro-choice crowd of course treats Jacinda’s baby as a baby (because it’s only a clump of cells when convenient).

Now we know that she and her defenders were so triggered because the answer to the baby question was “yes” and if she had been honest, then people might have wondered how genuine her attempt to become Prime Minister was. She was obviously trying to get pregnant even as she took leadership of the Labour Party, and for a woman of her age that isn’t always easy to achieve. Jacinda knew she was pregnant during the coalition talks and she knew that she’d be taking a planned leave of absence, which brings me to the next point.

When I told my wife that Jacinda was going to work up to the due date and is then going to take six weeks off before going back to work, she gave me a look of incredulity. Of course, this pronouncement has been predictably met with stories about the “return of the supermum”, that Jacinda can multi-task, and that she’s not the first to do this. She’s also going to be “keeping a close eye” on Winston. Yeah right.

The idea that she can perform with any efficiency both parenting and running the country is simply false. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. Especially those who have had children know it. There is some bad news and some good news here: her child will suffer a little, and the country will benefit a little. Jacinda’s policies are bad for New Zealand, so the more time she spends away and the more her attention is elsewhere, the better for us.

I previously pointed out that all the party leaders, other than Bill English, are either childless or have bastard children. Welcome to the club, Jacinda. Of course, we have done away with the whole notion of bastards, which is something that I will cover in my upcoming series on marriage, and that has had a profound effect on our society. Clarke Gayford, her should-be husband who will be staying home as a replacement mother, had no real answer to the “are you getting married” question, which also highlights how few understand what marriage is anymore.

Here we have the symbol of the dying west: a first-time pregnant, 37 year-old, unmarried woman running a post-Christian country with plummeting birth rates and high immigration from third-world nations.

Let’s bring this all back to demographics, which is what my original “Jacinda is Asked the Question of Our Time” piece was all about. Using the information on WikiTree, we can see that down her mother’s line, the generations go a little like this: 1930s, 1950s, 1980s, and now 2020-ish. That places the generations 20 years, 30 years, and then nearly 40 years apart. The number of children goes something like this: grandmother, 6-10; mother, 2; Jacinda, 1. See a pattern? This is not intended as an indictment of her personally: she’s just a symbol; a microcosm of a greater and widespread problem. Have no fear though, the New New Zealanders will have higher birth rates and a culture that’s far more… enriching.

The real question is still open to you: will you be replaced? Demography is destiny.

Dieuwe de Boer is editor of our New Zealand affiliate Right Minds NZ where this article also appears.

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