
It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.

C.S. Lewis

Our oh so benevolent Victorian Government under Dear Leader Dan Andrews has since 2017 been plotting to lock us down permanently by the year 2050. Under the guise of better health and improving socio-economical and environmental conditions, 20-minute cities will see our footprints literally limited to walking distance from our homes. With a plan to build densely populated communities, complete with basic needs and services, no one will ever need to leave their neighborhood. Ever. Coincidentally, pilot programs were activated in 2018 just prior to the infamous COVID19 pandemic. Planning Victoria is now promoting 20-minute cities as a recovery plan for small businesses and communities affected by Covid lockdowns. Their aim is to,

“…make the 20-minute neighborhood concept a reality for every person”

Plan Melbourne

You’re probably thinking this sounds like another cooker conspiracy theory designed to rally the masses against the government. But let’s think about it logically. The plan was borne in 2017 before Covid-19 was even “conceived”. Pilot programs were activated and concluded in 2018. This was followed by a compulsory statewide pilot program rolled out in 2020 and 2021 which saw everyone limited to 5km radius from their homes. Not quite 20 minutes, but enough to raise an eyebrow. Or two.

“The temporary activations enabled immediate Covid-19 recovery responses through low-cost and easy to implement activations that support local traders and the community. They were the first step in developing the pilot sites as 20-minute-neighborhoods and provided an opportunity to trial possible permanent interventions.”

Plan Melbourne

Whilst you may be wondering, ok what’s the big deal? If people want to be confined to their local areas, why make an issue? It seems better for our health and well-being and encourages people to walk more, drive less. It supports local small businesses, it is better for the environment and builds community. What could possibly go wrong? As well-intentioned as it sounds, I can’t help but feel slightly suspicious. I mean, when will they start requiring permits for us to exit our 20-minute zones? Will they start tracking the distance and number of times we drive outside that zone?

Whether this is another plot for government to control our every move once again, I enjoy the freedom to come and go whenever, however, and wherever I please. Personally, most of my activities lie outside my 20-minute zone, so none of the above will be of any use to me. 2050 seems a long way away, but in the meantime, brace yourselves for increased lockdowns, the training of more Stasi officers, controlling AI systems in place everywhere, the enforced use of electric vehicles, and checkpoints implemented in suburban areas, similar to tollways. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

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