Communist Judges

There are some people who have way more influence and power in our nation than the average person. And these damn people are judges!

They decide what is right or wrong behaviour in our land and they are forcing communist crap down our throats with their disgusting lefty rulings. They tend to get ignored, and forgotten about, but it ain’t just ANTIFA or that local overweight blue-haired council worker obsessed with Aboriginal rights and recycling who is causing all the communism. No, we need to shine some light on these judges who are major players in the game. Not only do we have leftist politicians ruining our government, we also have unelected leftist judges ruining our justice system. These people at the end of the day decide what is right or wrong behaviour. And time and time again they bully right-wingers for having dirty fingernails and let leftists get away with murder.

They should be ashamed of themselves. I’m sure that if the judges from 100 years ago were around today they would be absolutely shocked and embarrassed with what their once noble profession has turned into, all due to the leftists in it. Do you think that someone who throws bacon at a mosque should get jail time? Of course not, anyone with half a brain in their head could work that out, but sadly leftist judges don’t have a working brain and they would “for the public good” send a bacon thrower to jail. And when you factor in that there are tons of scams and dodgy behaviour going on all around us every day then it’s even more ridiculous.

People who actually cause harm and actually do crime should be locked up, not right-wingers. Right now we are spending more money than ever on jails yet we have tons of crime, why?
Because of leftist judges. We have innocent people dying from vaccine side effects, why, how can that be? Because of leftist judges, I can go on and on. Leftists are dangerous and should never be allowed into power positions.

These judges are heavily responsible for the epidemic of communism we see all over the West. They are obsessed with socialised healthcare, welfare, feminism, anti-white racism(the real epidemic). If you follow the news and hear the cases and the sentences you will discover that judges in Australia clearly are a bunch of leftards.

Victorian chief judge slams media coverage of ‘African crime’. Peter Kidd says media coverage of crimes committed by Australians of African heritage is “skewed”.

Over the years white male right-wing judges have been ostracised out of the justice system and now we are left with effeminate, common sense-lacking, politically correct-obsessed judges. And now these pricks have ruined our legal system. The legal system that was supposed to be a place to go to to get justice. But not anymore, now you are forced to go there to get raped.


Let’s look at the family court. Why is it that males get totally destroyed by these rulings?
Like why do the judges feel that the woman in the divorce should get 90% of the assets?
Again it’s so unfair and just so discriminating against males. Who came up with these status quos? It’s plain ridiculous, only sociopaths could make such rulings.

The worst thing leftist judges have done to our country is destroy freedom of speech. When anyone can sue anyone over anything they have said, obviously freedom of speech is dead. You can’t expose or stop false ideas or communist lies without the freedom to speak. So this one simple change in our society has had disastrous consequences. Trump now in his court case is of course being asked by the commie judge not to post on Twitter about the case. Why doesn’t this surprise me?
Alex Jones can’t expose a communist government’s attempts to brainwash a bunch of people into handing over their gun rights (Sandy Hook) without getting into major court trouble. That retarded judge dished out a billion-dollar fine!

This is fairy tale sentencing. All coming from a mentally degenerate leftist judge. The judge could be a corrupt commie and squash Alex’s freedom of speech with a 50 million dollar fine or something, but the fact that it went to a billion dollars, such a ridiculous amount indicates that the person making the ruling was an absolute moron with no grip on reality. They are morons and to fix this country we need to cleanse the justice system of these leftists, it’s the only way.

So our justice system is being run by sociopathic leftist judges. They don’t have to follow laws or rules, those books are so damn big and cumbersome that at the end of the day, they can interpret any laws in any way they want. The communist infiltration of our nation has specifically targeted the justice system and specifically aimed to make all our judges into damn effeminate leftists. Polite, gentle-talking sociopaths. And now with all these leftist judges, the legal system has gone into total illogicalness(as would be expected because leftists can’t think logically).

The system is a joke and now the best thing to do is to have nothing to do with it. There is no fighting for what’s right or getting justice or any of that old-fashioned crap, now it’s just right-wing abuse and if you go near this system you will get abused, it’s that plain and simple. These unelected rulers of what is right and wrong are mostly communist sociopaths, they need to be stopped and are major players in destroying Australia.

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