Barnaby Joyce and Nationals MPs Laugh At George Christensen’s Absence


George Christensen was absent from Parliament this morning as Cyclone Debbie is hitting his electorate of Dawson in Central Queensland. Rather that commending their fellow MP for spending the day looking after his constituents, his National Party colleagues at a press conference about the new sugar code earlier today appeared to be happy that he was absent. Barnaby Joyce laughed when commenting on Christensen’s absence commenting ‘We note George is not here today, so we will get a whole heap of legislation through’ and the rest of the Nationals MPs couldn’t resist in joining in the laughter.

As the old saying go with friends like that Christensen doesn’t need any enemies. Unfortunately his reward for standing up for conservative principles and values is the scorn of his colleague. His doing the right by the people in his electorate in helping them in their hour of need is met with ridicule. Though this press conference is being laughed off by the mainstream media as a chance to stick the boot into Christensen once again, it is a key indication yet again of just how out of touch even the Nationals leadership is.

Barnaby Joyce, once a maverick himself now appears to be just a stooge for Malcolm Turnbull. He appears to be spending most of his time whacking his own MPs, Pauline Hanson and ordinary conservative voters defending a mediocre government agenda. We are not amused Barnaby, your insensitive and ill-considered laughter.


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