Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam (Review)


This is a review of Mohammed’s Koran, a book that succinctly and convincingly exposes The Grand Lie: that Islam is a religion of peace. For centuries Western scholars have known and experienced that Islam is a religion of war. For over a thousand years, Mohammed and his followers have spread their ideology via violent jihad, killing countless millions and subjugating millions more. This well referenced book will educate you on the history of Islam as recorded by the best Islamic scholars and attested to by the likes of Jefferson and Churchill, while giving you the tools you need to read and understand the Koran for yourself. If you want a Koran for your library, this is the one you should buy.

I believe that to truly understand Islam, one should read the Koran. The problem with the Koran though, is that it is traditionally ordered roughly from longest surah (chapter) to shortest. This makes the book nonsensical to read. There is no context and there is no continuity. Without a logical order or commentary from various Imams, you simply won’t be able to easily gain an understanding of what the book is saying. The obvious solution is to put the Koran into chronological order, the order in which Mohammed revealed it to the first Muslims. If you read the Koran this way, you will first read the peaceful sayings that Mohammed revealed in Mecca, and then you will read the increasingly more violent sayings from the Medina period. The principle of abrogation, as revealed in the Koran itself, means that things Mohammed said later in life superseded the things he said earlier, a topic this book covers in detail.

How “Mohammed’s Koran” is Structured

Why Muslims Kill For Islam is divided into three sections: Introduction, Later Koran, Early Koran. The book is closed out with a recommended reading list, three appendixes on the order of the Koran, and a host of references. There is also a “brief guide to the text” before the Koran starts. The translation used is the Pickthall translation, made by a Muslim convert in 1930. Unlike the chronological Koran that had been in use for hundreds of years prior, this translation was initially in the tradition order. Pickthall himself notes that the encrypted order, as the authors call it, makes the book harder to understand. Pickthall likewise noted that the only reason the Koran, which means “recitations”, was written down was because the text was at risk of being lost as the best Muslims, the ones who had memorised the entire Koran, were being killed in battle spreading Islam via jihad.

The introduction starts off by establishing that prior to 9/11 there was little to no dispute about Islam’s true intentions or goals. It quotes from many leading Islamic scholars and the works of Imams through the ages. It highlights how the elites are actively covering up the information and previously known truth about Islam. They don’t discuss the motives for this cover-up in detail, choosing simply to label this deception The Grand Lie. They cover how jihad means that not all Muslims have to fight and die, just enough for Islam to grow, and that dying for the cause is the only guaranteed way to heaven. They also cover the concept of taqiyya, deception that helps to spread Islam. They also cover how different terminology is used, for instance how a martyr is not someone killed for the faith, but someone who dies furthering the interests of Islam, and how only Muslims are considered truly innocent. There is a wealth of information in the chapters of the introduction and a wide variety of topics are covered.

McLoughlin and Robinson place the Koran in reverse chronological order. First you will read the “Later Koran”, the very last things Mohammed said, and then you will read the “Early Koran” in which, using the Koranic principle of abrogation, the authors have crossed out and referenced every earlier verse that is superseded by the later violent teachings of the prophet. In addition, with the violent sayings highlighted and the extra references to Islamic scholars, you can very quickly gain a grasp of the fundamental principles of Islam, as taught by Mohammedans.

While the authors did add additional formatting and references, I feel that some extra commentary, like chapter introductions, might have been handy. Of course, that likely would have stretched the lengthy book out to be even longer, so I would recommend checking another resource for more context about what many of the chapters actually mean, since the Koran itself is often lacking sorely in that regard.

With the arrangement used in Mohammed’s Koran, it will take you mere minutes to read the last commands of Mohammed, as they’re located at the front, and understand their importance in Islam’s bloodthirsty quest for global domination.

Western Familiarity With Islam

In the closing years of the nineteenth century, Winston Churchill wrote,

the Mahommedan religion increases … the fury of intolerance … propagated by the sword … the hopes of plunder and the joy of fighting … The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace. Luckily the religion of peace is usually the better armed.

Today, in the United Kingdom, you will be arrested for hate crimes if you quote Winston Churchill’s writings on Islam. Indeed, in 2011, political candidate Paul Weston was arrested for quoting Winston Churchill:

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries [followers]! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia [rabies] in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.

William Gladstone, a great nineteenth-century British Prime Minister, said:

So long as there is this book, there will be no peace in the world.

Those familiar with history will know that Islam nearly brought down Gladstone’s government when the followers of Mohammed took Khartoum by siege, killing Charles Gordon, one of Britain’s greatest generals.

The authors say that Christian leaders before the 21th century were very familiar with the Koran and its teachings. Indeed, I checked a 1763 commentary on the Bible by John Gill, an eminent theologian, and he makes many references to the “alcoran of Mahomet”, showing a familiarity with its claims. Gill designates Mohammed as the “eastern antichrist” and the “false prophet” from the book of Revelation. I checked a number of other notable Christian theologians from as far back as the sixteenth century, including Martin Luther and John Calvin. There was no lack of familiarity with the teachings of Mohammed among them.

Conclusion: Buy This Book

The authors spend much of the introduction highlighting a number of historical events and symbols that we have today to remind us of our long and bloody history with the followers of Mohammed:

From the Crusades of the eleventh century to the creation of the US Navy, and from the poetry of Dante to the humble croissant, the people of the West were supposed to never forget that Islam was a predatory religion of war.

Overall, this book is a wealth of knowledge and peppered with references. On the Kindle edition, each reference gets its own page, resulting in their taking up 20% of the book, the lengthy 100 page introduction taking up 20%, and the Koran taking up the remaining bulk of the book.

If you were to buy only one book on Islam, I would recommend you buy this Koran by Peter McLoughlin and Tommy Robinson.

Dieuwe de Boer is editor of our New Zealand affiliate Right Minds NZ where this article also appears.

Author Details
Dieuwe de Boer
Dieuwe is the Editor of Right Minds NZ and co-host of Trad Tasman Talk. In addition to conservative politics and reactionary thought, he likes books, gardening, biking, tech, reformed theology, beauty, and tradition.
Dieuwe de Boer
Dieuwe is the Editor of Right Minds NZ and co-host of Trad Tasman Talk. In addition to conservative politics and reactionary thought, he likes books, gardening, biking, tech, reformed theology, beauty, and tradition.
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