Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Stigma

Such an unusual statement to make right? Well, I don’t say it half-heartedly. Stigma was once used as a tool to dictate the moral and social protocols of our societies. However, as society has become more and more morally bankrupt, so too has people’s moral conscience and inability to judge the difference between right and wrong. As we continue in this human experience, more and more people are subscribing to the notion that morality is subjective.
You may personally find men penetrating seven-year-old girls vile and immoral but shame on you if you dare judge someone else for part of their cultural identity. It’s just their “sexual orientation” and “morality is subjective” thus you cannot judge them because to them it is perfectly fine to partake in this belief and thought system. So that is that then, right…?
Well, no. Morality is NOT subjective, at least not in the bigger picture. If one chooses to become a vegetarian, that is a subjective moral decision made by an individual for reasons that concern their conscience; in the grand scheme of things, it does not affect anyone overall except for the discourtesy of someone needing to cook a separate meal for the vegetarian.
Reality is something in which we MUST firmly plant our feet closely to the ground. What we need is an objective reference point. In mathematics, that is clear: if 1+1=2 it cannot equal six and it will never equal six as the numbers in that sum do not allow for any other result – it simply is what it is. Up cannot be down nor can down be up.
Are there grey areas? In some cases, probably. We live in a time where certain morals that were valued in the past are no longer valued or perceived as valid for today. For example, if you have not had sex after a certain age this is considered laughable; the subject is ridiculed, and a reverse-stigma almost takes effect. Previous generations saw actions such as abstinence, the nuclear family, fearing God and finishing high-school as virtues worth attaining – yet today, many would deem such things as antiquated and even worthy of mocking.
Stigma in all its messy glory functioned as a device to deter individuals from replicating similar acts of “sin” such as getting pregnant outside of marriage. Today, generations after the 1940s, 50s & 60s we have come to learn and discover that these morals make sense since they’re beneficial to families, society and having well-reared children who will make something of themselves when they’re adults and step out into the real world.
According to the left-leaning Brookings Institute, the ingredients to be successful in life are extremely basic 1. Complete high school 2. Don’t have babies out of wedlock and 3. Hold down a job. None of this is rocket science but the formula is a proven success, with exceptions to the rule of course.
Enough studies have concluded that those who fail at school and wind up in prison is a result of not having a father present in the home. More and more this has become a usual occurrence with fewer fathers in the home.
One of the Left’s main ideas infiltrating our government is the sociology of Marxism, which in essence claims that the nuclear family executes a philosophical role for Capitalism which we live under, where the family unit somehow is demonstrating subconsciously the concept of hierarchy and status. Additionally, wealth and money that stays within the family when one passes away are perceived as a form of ‘class inequality’ as many come from distinct socio-economic backgrounds.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in the year of 2016, there were 118,401 marriages that were registered an increase of 4, 806 (4.2%) contrast that with 46,604 divorces in the same year a decrease by 1, 913 (-3.9%). Australian couples are getting married later than the generation before but oddly staying married longer, divorce over the last 20 years has declined. It is difficult to conjecture as to the specifics of why divorce has decreased after being at a high for many years but one could assert that it is due to the fact that today’s millennials and Generation Z are the most conservative generation since the Second World War.
It is doubtful that this would lead us down the path where one points the finger and belittles and judges the sinner for their crime, nor am I personally proposing this, however, one cannot argue with the power of what moral social convention was able to provide to us when reputation was something that mattered.
According to Ben Shapiro, scientific studies suggest that television works as a “habit-forming drug”. Childwise – a leading specialist in children’s research – conducted a study where it was revealed that teenage boys spend eight hours a day in front of a screen; in a week, Hollywood is consumed at a rate of nearly 40 hours. Essentially, this is a full-time job.
Stigma disappears because the mainstream media and Hollywood have normalized what was once deemed deplorable. Casual sex, no problem. Intake of pornography, no problem. Lack of patriotism for your own country, no problem. Drug consumption, cool and no problem. In a conservative world, these are problem areas where one would educate themselves and/or loved ones to learn to refrain from participating in these harmful behaviours whether they be mentally toxic or destroy your ability to differentiate the difference between right and wrong.
The stigma attached plays a role in the individual bettering themselves, improving overall in this human experience. Obedience, strength of character, courage when nobody else shares a similar viewpoint to you and willpower are all but memories of a past that could be almost forgotten but there is most definitely hope.
However, stigma most likely will not make a comeback – with Generation Z being the most conservative since World War Two it is clear that in some way a new Conservativism 2.0 will take effect. With the result of Brexit and President Trump and abortion on the decline, these are all positive examples of things coming around again. If history repeats itself in a positive way then we have something to be hopeful for.
Stigma is on the decline for classical good old-fashioned morality yet it appears on the rise for the virtue signalling Left’s righteous indignation. We have reached a cross-road. What will happen next is anyone’s guess.
Yet, after decades, it’s ironic that what was once the anti-establishment attempting to deconstruct societal norms and challenge social convention is now the establishment and those very people being challenged are the new wave of anti-establishment (the conservative movement) which demonstrates to us that either the left will dominate and drown out any form of classic conservatism (with their focus on “micro-aggressions” and pronouns etc) or the new wave will bring back old-fashioned ideas that have somehow proven to work statistically. Funny how formulas that were executed as everyday average protocols are now suddenly a new discovery worth researching and that seem to work.
We might not need stigma and finger-pointing and reputations being ruined but we do need guidance and boundaries, and we seem to have lost these completely. There must be a standard for objective morality and an objective reference point, but where is it? Where does it come from? It is not dependent on what the government orders, it’s also not dependent on what people think that too is not valid. How is Timmy’s opinion any more valid than the other seven billion people on planet Earth?
Where do you stand? What is your answer?