The Left Turns on Justin Trudeau
When Justin Trudeau was elected as Canada’s Prime Minister in 2015 he was the progressive left’s new pin up boy. He was a male feminist, celebrated LGBT pride, let in thousands of Syrian refugees, apologised for past Canadian government injustices and was young, hip and social media savvy. The left lamented that there weren’t more world leaders championing progressive causes and making his people proud of their modern nation.
The reality however Trudeau was one of the worst social justice virtue signalers and adherents to political correctness in the world. His pandering to all the different victim and identity groups was constantly cringeworthy. Many around the world couldn’t understand how Canadians had elected this guy to represent them on the world stage. He won the Unshackled’s International Cuck of the Year Award in both 2016 and 2017 for his efforts.
Though lately, even the left is starting to grow tired of Trudeau’s antics. This began with the backlash to his correction of a woman at a Town Hall event when she used the word mankind and he stated we should use the term ‘peoplekind’ to be more inclusive. The ridicule to this was extreme that Trudeau claimed he was only making a bad joke.
But given that he had just changed the Canadian national anthem to be gender-neutral many still believed he was making a genuine attempt to create a new English word. People were also surprised that given his interruption of a woman speaking to correct her language he was not accused of mansplaining.
Now Trudeau has just arrived back from an official visit to India where for some bizarre reason he thought the best way to impress the Indian people was to dress up in over the top traditional Indian clothes while traveling the country. He obviously didn’t get the memo that India has modernised and urbanised that most Indians now dress in western attire.
He could be accused of cultural appropriation and holding a racist backwards view of Indian culture. The fact that he did not meet the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi until the end of his trip gave rise to suspicion he was being snubbed by the Indian Government, possibly because of his ridiculous attire.
Not surprisingly Trudeua’s latest efforts prompted a fresh round of criticism and mockery on social media with many people pondering how would Trudeau dress when visiting other nations around the world?
But the difference this time was that the left joined in on the mocking and condemnation of Trudeau. Articles appeared on the ABC, Fairfax and even Vice stating what a disaster the trip had been and began asking the question is the gloss wearing off Trudeau’s appeal?
It also prompted real scrunity (for once) of Trudeau’s performance as Prime Minister as opposed to his symbolic gestures. Canada is suffering from a housing affordability crisis, its trade deals are being threatened and his popularity is sinking back home.
For those of us who have been highlighting Trudeau’s hollowness for a number of years now it is refreshing that the left have finally come to see him for the fool that it is, and all it took was for him to embarrass Canada on the international stage. It might just give the Conservatives in Canada the motivation they need to finally provide a strong alternative at the next election due to take place in 2019.