
While the left in Australia continue to do all they can to undermine our strong border security policy it is good to see the current Coalition Turnbull Government continue to stand firm. Yesterday Malcolm Turnbull announced that the government would pass a law that would mean any person who came to Australia by boat via paying a people smuggler will never be allowed to settle in Australia even if they are found to be a genuine refugee. The new law will cover anyone who came by boat from July 2013 which will include many of those already on Manus Island and Nauru and will also mean they can never apply for a visa to Australia in the future.

The left in response to this announcement have gone into their usual outrage mode, throwing the usual insults around that the policy is cruel, inhumane and of course torture. Many have vented on social media they are ashamed of our country, we are an international embarrassment and of course racist. Despite Labor at their most recent National Conference changing their policy to allow boat turn backs they still speak the language of the open border advocates. Labor MP Andrew Giles asked on Twitter "What sort of government looks to punish vulnerable people who've sought our help?” They are also forgetting that it was the Rudd Labor Government in 2013 in an effort to stem the weekly influx of asylum boats at that time ran advertising campaigns warning incoming boat people they would not be settled in Australia. It is clear that Labor has not learned anything from its disastrous time in government from 2007 to 2013 where 50,000 asylum seekers came to Australia by boat and where over 1000 drowned at sea. It is still clear that any future Labor government would see boats resume at an alarming rate and simular what Europe is experiencing right now.

Despite the Turnbull government agreeing to take in 12,000 Syrian refugees who are mainly Muslim (despite we were told that they would come from persecuted minorities) and through a parliamentary motion a few weeks back refusing to consider any change to the policy of allowing continued Muslim immigration it is still pleasing to see that they are adamant that our most important border control, that our seas will remain in place. Australians very much agree with John Howard when in 2001 he said ‘we will decide who comes to this country and circumstances in which they come’.

Australians are a generous people and support Australia’s current refugee program of 13,000 people per year but rightly want control over which people are accepted into that program. Australia’s social cohesion and safety of its citizens should always be one of the most important parts of that program. It should be a program that is to the benefit of Australia and its people. Most of all it must be an orderly program, those with the financial resources to pay a people smuggler should not be able to get an unfair advantage over others who can’t afford to leave their country of origin and jump to the front of the queue. The left who are all about fairness completely overlook any fairness in regard to who is accepted into our refugee program.

Despite Turnbull and his ministers’ rhetoric against Pauline Hanson and One Nation it is clear with this announcement they are not completely deaf to their concerns and that of the people that voted for them. Pauline Hanson cheekily posted on twitter "good to see that it looks like the Government is now taking its cues from One Nation. Just like last time". It is pleasing to see that her election is having some effect on the policy of government.

At a time when we are seeing the policies of multiculturalism and open borders destroy the harmony of nations all around the western world it is pleasing our voices are being heard in Australia. Of course we would like to have more control over which type of people we accept as refugees in Australia to ensure they will fit into Australian society and adhere to its values. However we still need to keep up the pressure on our politicians to respect the right of the Australian people to decide who comes into our country and have a say over how our country looks. But this is still a welcome development ensuring our border security will remain tight in the near future.


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