Video: Australian Pride March in Melbourne, Sunday 25th June 2017 – Highlights

The Unshackled covered the Australian Pride March that was hosted by the True Blue Crew in Melbourne on Sunday 25th June 2017. We filmed both before, during and after the march from the patriot side.

The mainstream media reported that this march saw both sides clash. This is fake news, as you will see from the footage things were very peaceful from the patriot side. The television footage you saw were all of the socialists clashing with the police trying to attack the patriots.

This highlights video aims to tell the real story of the march and people who attended. Please check out our other videos from the march and our written report.

Links to other Australian Pride March Videos:
Video: Australian Pride March in Melbourne, Sunday 25th June 2017 – Speeches
Video: Post Australian Pride March Interview – Kane, Head of the True Blue Crew

Written Report:
The Real Story of the Australian Pride March 2017 in Melbourne

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