Neil Erikson Banned From Facebook for Promoting United Patriots Front Meeting


Patriot activist Neil Erikson has been permanently banned from Facebook had had his page unpublished for not following the Facebook page terms. Erikson on Twitter has labelled Facebook a sham.

Facebook is a total sham! Videos, Events & Posts that are political and don’t go against “Community Standards” are constantly being removed along with 30 day bans & totally removing accounts with no reason or recourse. They will ultimately fail. #Facebook— Neil Erikson (@senatorslayer) February 11, 2019

This followed his page hosting and promoting a United Patriots Front’s (UPF) relaunch meeting. The meeting was posted on Facebook on Sunday morning, listing the meeting place at Federation Square. Erikson promoted it as a ‘meeting to organize upcoming UPF activities and beers’.

Another Facebook page associated with Erikson Nationalist Uprising has not been affected and is still active, though is reportedly being operated by a new team of admins.

This action by Facebook is most likely due to the event mentioning the United Patriots Front. All their Facebook pages, with the main page having over 120,000 likes were deleted in May 2017.

This occurred during the same period that Cottrell, Erikson and Christopher Shortis were charged under Victoria’s Racial and Religious Tolerance Act for offending Muslims for conducting a mock beheading outside the Bendigo council building during their 2015 activism. They were found guilty of this charge in September 2017.

Founded in 2015 the UPF is most known for its organized opposition to the proposed construction of a Muslim mosque in Bendigo, Victoria. To this day the mosque has still not broken ground. Blair Cottrell was the leader of the UPF for most of this time.

The UPF became inactive following their deletion from Facebook. Prominent members of the group pursued other nationalist activities. Blair Cottrell was a spokesman for the Lads Society during 2018, founded by another UPF member Tom Sewell. Neil Erikson started the patriot street activist group Cooks Convicts. Christopher Shortis is now a member of Australia First Party and is now broadcasting The Bowman show online.

The UFP had somewhat of a relaunch last month with the Political Meeting at St Kilda Beach over African Crime on January 5. The meeting saw Cottrell and Erikson come back together to both promote and organize the meeting. Erikson when speaking with The Unshackled at St Kilda referred to the meeting as ‘UPF 2.0’. The planned meeting was designed to capitalise on the momentum generated from the St Kilda meeting.

Melbourne’s most infamous Antifa group the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) had already posted a counter-protest event to the meeting calling on their followers to ‘Keep Melbourne Fascist-Free’ vowing ‘Never let them organise! Never let them recruit! Never let them pass!’

Erikson now joins Cottrell in being permanently banned from the platform with Erikson’s attempts to open new Facebook accounts being quickly shut down. Cottrell and Erikson still have active Twitter accounts where they share their thoughts on the issues of the day.

With the two most prominent Australian patriot activists being banned from the platform it is clear that Facebook does not approve of nationalist activism on its platform.

Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.