Marxists protest March For the Babies.

The tenth pro-life “March for the babies” was held recently in Melbourne. As usual, a small band of slightly deranged pro-abortion activists showed up to scream at the peaceful crowd.

So who were these nutbags who took time out of their weekend to yell obscenities at people they don’t know, quietly gathering in prayer?

Take a wild guess.

That’s right. Marxists, again.

In this video, you can see Natalie Acreman (the generously proportioned woman) and Madaleine Hah chanting:

“I’m an angry woman and I’m proud of it, I’m going to have abortions, I don’t give a sh*t”.


Marxists protest Natalie Acreman
Natalie Acreman of Socialist Alternative. Loves abortion.

Natalie has made quite the name for herself recently as the primary Melbourne spokesperson for the Extinction Rebellion protests. In fact so involved has she been, that her personal mobile phone number is the contact for two separate Extinction Rebellion groups in Melbourne. Natalie has played a major part in organising and leading the groups of Marxist fanatics, spoilt children and aging hippies who, with the cooperation of Victoria Police, have shut down streets, shopping centres and bridges in central Melbourne these last few months. Good to see she’s also in favour of aborting the unborn. Natalie is of course a member of the Revolutionary Trotskyist group Socialist Alternative, something none of the journalists who have interviewed her recently have bothered to mention. As usual, when Marxists protest something, the media suddenly turn deaf and blind.

You may recognise Natalie Acreman from her appearance in one of Avi Yemini’s series of videos on the recent protests in Melbourne; you’ll almost certainly recognise Madaleine Hah from her encounter with the tiny Torah-lover. After all, the humiliating video of Madaleine ordering Yemini to exit a pro-Hong Kong protest, which ended in her declaring her love for the same Communist ideology of the ruling party of China, was hilarious. That video has now has now been shared all over the world and viewed millions of times.

Marxists protest. Maddie Hah
Maddie Hah. Proud Communist. Loves abortion.

Madaleine is a Socialist Alternative member from RMIT and has been involved in a range of Socialist Alternative activism over the past two years, including the protests against Jordan Peterson and the Socialist Alternative annual conferences “Marxism2018” and “Marxism2019”. She has spoken out forcefully against the Ramsay Centre funding Western Civilisation courses, calling scholarship recipients “Little shits” who are being funded by the “white supremacist Australian elite” to promote racist ideas. She attended the rally in front of the State library on January 12th this year where Greens Victoria leader Samantha Ratnam spoke under an Anarcho-Communist variant of the “Antifa” flag. Like Ratnam, Madeline also attended the previous protest at St Kilda, co-organised by Socialist Alternative, which intended to attack the rally attended by then Senator Fraser Anning. Maddie got her most prominent exposure when SBS promoted a cartoon she did depicting Rupert Murdoch as a demonic hell-beast. Quite the little artist is our Maddie.

Also in attendance was Roz Ward, who gesticulated at the pro-life rally to show her disapproval. Ms Ward is rather well known of course, having gained national attention as the founder of the Safe Schools program, a radical gender-theory course designed to warp the minds of young children, masquerading under the disguise of an “anti-bullying” program. Ward and the other architects of this program openly declare that its aim is to challenge notions of “heteronormativity” and promote acceptance of “LGBTIQ” lifestyles.

Marxists protest
Socialist Alternative activists Roz Ward and Liz Walsh politely disagreeing with pro-life marchers.

Ms Ward was removed from her role advising the Victorian Government on education policy (and was briefly suspended from her teaching position at La Trobe University). This was due to her statements after the Victorian Government flew the rainbow “gay pride” flag flying over the Victorian parliament: “Now we just need to get rid of the racist Australian flag on top of state parliament and get a red (Communist) one up there and my work is done.” At the recent Sydney Socialist Alternative national conference, Ms Ward presented the topic “50 years since Stonewall: Birth of Gay Liberation”. Marxists protest for more or less everything.

Standing alongside Roz Ward was Socialist Alternative National Executive member Liz Walsh. Ms Walsh was wearing a t-shirt advertising the Socialist Alternative electoral front “Victorian Socialists”, which is unsurprising since she is the assistant secretary of the Victorian Socialists, is an admin of the group’s Facebook page and recently wrote a long and in-depth review in the Socialist Alternative theoretical magazine “Marxist Left Review” of how she helped found and shape the Victorian Socialists party using Socialist Alternative as its core.

Liz Walsh (front) Socialist Alternative National Executive member wearing her Victorian Socialists T-shirt while protesting against a pro-life rally.

Ms Walsh has been a notable Marxist organiser in many campaigns over the years, including acting as a spokesperson for the Refugee Action Collective, and was one of the leaders of a protest outside the Yongah Hill detention centre in WA back in 2013. More recently, Walsh has served as a public spokeswoman for the Extinction Rebellion protests, making her about the eleventh Socialist Alternative organiser to fill such a role (without the mainstream media noticing once). Yet again, Marxists protest everything.

Marxist protests lead to arrests
Catherine Robertson of Socialist Alternative being arrested at an Extinction Rebellion protest in Brisbane earlier this year.

Speaking of Socialist Alternative-linked Extinction Rebellion spokeswomen, also in the crowd was Catherine Robertson. Regular readers of The Unshackled will recognise Ms Robertson as the main spokesperson and organiser for the Uni Students for Climate Justice group that helped co-ordinate the recent disruptive Extinction Rebellion protests in Brisbane. Catherine has been a Socialist Alternative member since at least mid-2017. She was a part of a group of extremists at Monash University in Victoria known for its thuggish and disruptive behaviour. She was also an organiser for the electoral campaign of recently disgraced alleged sex-pest Stephen Jolly when he ran for the Victorian upper house last year under the Victorian Socialists banner. Catherine now lives in Queensland where she has been attending QUT and helping to build the Socialist Alternative branch there, but apparently is back in Melbourne for a bit of an activism holiday.

So far, so normal, right? Marxist extremists who want to overthrow the government and implement a totalitarian socialist state attend protest and media ignores it. Pretty much the standard drill.

Tom Minear, you absolute disgrace.

Except then, Tom Minear, the State Political Editor of the Herald Sun accuses the March for the Babies of having extremists in it. What extremists? Apparently Dia Beltran, a woman who Tom says in the past has interviewed such scary figures as Blair Cottrell. Not that she agrees with his politics of course, just that she interviewed him.

Twenty metres away were multiple members of a violent Trotskyist extremist group, one even wearing the T-shirt of that group’s electoral front. Marxists protest next to quietly praying Christians while screaming abuse at them, and the Christians are the ones our supposedly evil right-wing Murdoch press calls “extreme”.

Tom Minear, you are a disgrace.

Author Details
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
Lucas Rosas
Lucas Rosas has spent years monitoring far left extremists so you don’t have to. He lives in a secure location with multiple large and hungry guard dogs.
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