Senator Larissa Waters Resigns Over Dual Citizenship

She's sad
The Greens have been rocked by a second resignation of a Senator due to dual nationality, Queensland Senator Larissa Waters.
Senator Larissa Waters has announced she will be resign from the Senate as she still holds Canadian citizenship, having been born in Canada.
Following the resignation of Scott Ludlam last Friday over still holding citizenship of New Zealand, it now begs the question what sort of vetting process do the Greens have that now they have lost two Senators in a week for violating Section 44 of Australia’s Constitution?
The Greens policy is to reform Section 44 to allow dual nations to run for federal parliament but they must have forgotten that the Section is still the law of the land.
Again probably calls for reform of Section 44 will follow, but as we have previously stated the section is important for ensuring our politicians don’t have a conflict of interest. Our position would be the same if it were conservative politician. All that is really required is for aspiring politicians to do their due diligence. Labor MP Anne Aly told Sky News Weekend Agenda program that the Labor Party was very diligent in checking she did still not have Egyptian citizenship when she ran for parliament.
The number two Senate candidate is former Democrats Senator Andrew Bartlett who could potentially now have a political comeback if the Greens decide not to orchestrate to have Walters back in the Senate. Again Larissa Waters is no huge loss to the Senate, she was behind the regressive No Gender December campaign as well as the rest of the Greens far left agenda. Again if the Greens don’t know which of their Senators are dual citizens how could they run the country?