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Following our 2017 Year in review show where we reflected on some of the setbacks we faced last year we thought we would begin 2018 with a preview show about some of the battles that will be coming up. To do this we are joined by Stephen Cable from the Cable Critique.

The left was able to regain control and be back in ascendancy in Australia mainly due to the lack of political leadership on the right, the dominance of the left in the institutions of influence while the voters in between elections are without a voice.

The left will be planning to consolidate their agenda in 2018 now that they achieved one of their prized reforms in same sex marriage, they still have both major parties committed to renewable energy policies at various levels, the budget situation has been forgotten, free speech and other fundamental freedoms will continue to be attacked and despite the open border policy being a disaster for Europe the left will stop at nothing to break the government’s resolve on border protection.

Key political events in 2018 will be the state elections in Tasmania, South Australia and Victoria. In South Australia despite the Jay Weatherill’s Labor Government presiding over the state having the world’s highest electricity prices in the world and regular blackouts the Liberal Opposition still cannot find itself more popular than Nick Xenophon’s SA Best. In Victoria with the state’s crime wave reaching alarming heights Daniel Andrews looks vulnerable but a Liberal victory is not guaranteed based on the party’s current strategy. There is also a possible federal election where just as the state Liberal parties need to do the Coalition needs to embrace a genuine conservative agenda on the key issues, not try and placate the left and be Labor-lite.

But the left’s reign cannot last as its policies are destined to doom our society as they have done when implemented to their fullest extent in communist nations. But this means that things may get worse before they get better, but the Australian people will not remain as passive as they currently are. Eastern Europe has demonstrated after years of oppression a resurgent people emerge who take pride in their nation and are ever vigilant about protection their freedoms, family, religion, traditions and way of life.

Theme Music Super Power Cool Dude by Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Items Discussed
There’s no participation trophy in real life – Cable Critique
Waves Ep. 113 2017 Year In Review

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