The Unshackled Waves Ep. 177 Proud Boys Deplatformed, Fraser Anning, Melbourne African Riot and NEGotiations

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The social media deplatforming of those on the right has continued. Last week Alex Jones’ and Infowars were kicked off Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and iTunes. On the weekend Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys were suspended from Twitter for violating their policies “prohibiting violent extremist groups” despite their rejection of the alt-right and white nationalism.
Katter Australian Party Senator Fraser Anning gave a triggering maiden speech in the Senate Tuesday evening where he lamented the demise of the white Australia policy and traditional Australia. He expressed supported for a ban on Muslim immigration and called for a plebiscite as a final solution to immigration issues in Australia. All the major parties spent the next day condemning Anning and praising Australia’s cultural diversity.
There was a riot in Melbourne last Wednesday night by rival gangs of Sudanese youths yet police made no arrests. In addition to the Andrews Government’s denial on African crime a group of Melbourne Mayors emerged to tell us reporting on this was racist, even though the African crime wave is backed up by Victoria’s crime statistics.
Malcolm Turnbull got the victory in the Coalition party room he was after with his signature energy policy the National Energy Guarantee being approved. However he still needs all the states to agree and will need Labor’s support given that 8 Coalition backbenchers, including Tony Abbott have reserved the right to cross the floor.
It’s another bumper show with different guests. First up we speak with US based Proud Boy Jason van Dyke about their deplatforming. He was recently featured on Australian television on SBS Dateline’s episode on the Proud Boys as part of their Defending Gender series. Then we turn to Australian politics with the return of federal parliament after the winter break where we welcome back to the show the Unshackled’s Political Editor Michael Smyth.
Gavin McInnes and Proud Boys Accounts Suspended by Twitter
Hundreds of Antifas Attacked Police and Reporters/Media Covers 25 White Supremacists Instead
Senator Fraser Anning calls for new White Australia Policy
Katter backs Senator Anning’s call for new White Australia policy
African Youths Riot in Melbourne. Andrews’ Government Says Don’t Look at Sky
Melbourne Mayors Claim Coverage of African Crime is Racist. What Do the Facts Say?
National Energy Guarantee endorsed by Coalition party room despite backbench concern – ABC News