
Greater Melbourne is going back into stage 3 lockdown from midnight tonight for six weeks. The state of Victoria has now been cut off from the rest of Australia due to the increasing outbreak in multicultural areas of Melbourne which has seen daily new coronavirus cases going into the hundreds.

On the midweek edition of WilmsFront returning to show provide a local perspective on this second lockdown is City of Casey resident Rosalie Crestani.

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About Rosalie Crestani

Rosalie Crestani was an elected City of Casey Councillor from 2012 until February this year when former Local Government Adem Somyurek dismissed the council due to governance issues. Rosalie is still a pillar of the local Casey community and small businesswoman who has seen her local area fight off the second coronavirus wave yet the area will still be locked down again.

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Both Rosalie and I are frustrated and sad that Melbourne is going back into lockdown due to both the incompetence and dictatorial nature of Daniel Andrews Labor Victorian Government. Andrews is still treating us like children and back to threatening us with fines and setting up police checkpoint Charlies.

The City of Casey and the neighbouring City of Cardina in Melbourne’s South East were two of the initial multi-ethnic Local Government Areas deemed a coronavirus hotspot but their active case numbers have remained stable while Melbourne’s North West has surged. Rosalie puts this down to the Christian faith of Casey residents and their strong community and family bonds.

Rosalie is a member of Pastor Danny Nalliah’s Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries Church in Hallam which will now have to close and go back to online sermons. Cafes, restaurants, pubs, gyms, cinemas and community sport will have to close again.

The reimposing of arbitrary restricts by direct degree by Premier Andrews, along with the total house arrest the residents of nine public housing towers who’ve done nothing wrong is reminiscent of a totalitarian communist regime. Rosalie speculates how much further Andrews might be prepared to go to totally control our lives.

Rosalie’s anger and sadness at being dismissed as a City of Casey Councillor still raw. She and her fellow councillors were denied due process, Adem Somyurek the state government Minister is now facing corruption allegations of his own yet is still a member of parliament.

The residents of Casey could be without representation until the next round of local government elections in 2024 while the rest of Victoria can vote for their local councillors this October.


WF Ep. 9 Snapshot of Multicultural Australia
Reformation Harvest Fire Ministries Online

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