
This year we’ve seen human and economic devastation like never before. First with the coronavirus lockdown imposed by governments around the world and now through the exporting of race riots which began in the United States.

On this week’s WilmsFront Economist Martin North from Digital Finance Analytics returns to help assess the economic wreck we now find ourselves in. Then back due to popular demand Joel Jammal on the latest demand of Black Lives Matter and Antifa to tear down statues of historical western figures.

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I opened the show with my own remarks about Australia’s Black Lives Matter rallies over the weekend where no social distancing was practiced and the gatherings far exceeded the current limits. But our Premiers had the nerve to still claim the restrictions still apply to the rest of us despite the virus remaining contained in Australia.

This latest extreme incarnation of Black Lives Matter began in the United States triggered by the death of 45-year-old African American man George Floyd in an incident of police brutality in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 25th May. The widespread rioting, looting, acts of senseless violence has seen 20 people were murdered. Now there are demands for US city police departments to be defunded and dismantled.

With my first featured guest Economist Martin North I explore with him the cause of the constant stream of inaccurate economic predictions from our Treasury Department, the worst being the recent JobKeeper numbers. Martin believes a recession was inevitable and the federal government can’t claim it is due to a once in a century pandemic.

Bad economic policies are still continuing with low-interest rates propping up the housing market. The federal government is contributing to this with its HomeBuilder program. Meanwhile correcting our overreliance on China with local investments has not occurred. There have been some economic silver linings such as the deregulation of shop trading and the increased economic viability of working from home.

Myself and Joel Jammal follow on from our discussion last week about the Black Lives Matter protests and riots. The demands of the protesters in the UK have turned to tearing down historical statues of famous Brits due to their associations with past racism and the slave trade. Even history’s most successful anti-fascist Winston Churchill is not safe.

Another side development of the Black Lives Matter protests has been cancel culture reaching a new level. Classic British comedy Little Britain has been pulled from all streaming services for blackface and yellowface. HBO Max has pulled Hollywood classic Gone with the Wind. Paramount TV has cancelled police reality TV show Cops.

Martin North Links

Digital Finance Analytics Blog
Walk The World Channel
In the Interests of the People Adams/North Channel


UK Black Lives Matter protesters tip statue of slave trader Edward Colston into Bristol Harbour – ABC News
Another statue comes DOWN: Workmen remove figure of 18th Century slave dealer Robert Milligan – Daily Mail

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