
China has claimed it has contained the coronavirus, meanwhile the west is shut down as infections and deaths continue to rise. On the midweek edition of WilmsFront China expert, Dave Lee joins me again to explore if China is telling us the truth and have they told us the whole truth all along?

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As I do at the beginning of every WilmsFront during the coronavirus pandemic I provide an update on Australian and global infection and death rates, plus the latest containment measures and travel restrictions decreed by governments.

We now know that the coronavirus was born in Wuhan, China in November 2019 from a wet live animal market. Dave had a contact in Wuhan during the city-wide lockdown which was stricter than any lockdown Australia will ever face. The disease is highly contagious and hard to defeat, China initially suppressed news about its spread.

Chinese Government propaganda has blamed the United States for spreading the coronavirus. They know the west’s weaknesses is political correctness, the fears of being labelled racist and xenophobic made western nations hesitant to implement travel bans. US media are still triggered by Trump call it the China virus.

Chinese factories have reopened and they are promising to produce ventilators and face masks for western nations. Dave explains that this is not being done by China for free and will further entrench their influence in nations such as Indonesia and South Korea and further our dependence on them for our economic activity and standard of living

While I have hope that Australia can come out of the pandemic a more united country and recover economically quickly Dave is more black pilled. He believes that the Chinese in Australia along with other migrant groups have successfully been able to economically exploit our nation and our weaknesses and will simply move onto the next nation of opportunity.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert – Australian Government
China’s factories work 24/7 to build medical ventilators for Milan, New York – South China Morning Post

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WF Ep. 40 CoronaVirus Cause and Consequence

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