The Unshackled Waves Ep. 238 One on One with Andy Nolch

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One of Australia’s most controversial men of the past year is Andy Nolch. He began his career as a comedian before converting to Scientology, but is most known and reviled for vandalising the memorial to rape and murder victim Eyrudice Dixon.
I sit down one on one with Andy; we begin with his background in comedy and what attracted him to Scientology given its recent beginnings, sinister operations and constant controversy.
I then ask him about why he vandalised the memorial and if there was a more constructive way to make a statement against feminism and the demonisation of men. We look at his life after his actions, which saw him before the courts and fined and also saw him become almost more hated than the actual rapist and murderer.
We finish by looking at what his future holds, including whether he will be able to get a girlfriend given his infamy.
Andy Nolch in the News
Eurydice Dixon memorial vandal, Andy Nolch, says he did it over beliefs about vaccines and autism – ABC News
Eurydice Dixon memorial vandal Andrew Nolch ordered to pay $20k – ABC News