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Australia Day 2018 is fast approaching and as a result we have seen the attacks on our national day stepped up even further.  It would seem that it is more important than ever to celebrate Australia Day and make sure that our political class doesn’t buckle again under the campaign being waged by the cultural elites to change the date. To discuss the battle for Australia Day we are joined by the new Chief Correspondent of the Unshackled Steele Archer.

The Greens launched their own campaign to change the date of Australia Day. Greens leader Richard Di Natale said it would be its top priority for 2018, apparently solving poverty or any other social injustices matter to him. The Greens believe that a date change is inevitable, the Coalition to this point is united in keeping Australia Day on January 26th however Labor is divided. We also saw a business owner offer his workers an extra day off work if they turned up to Australia Day as a protest.

Of course the Greens and the left claim they are speaking for all indigenous people when they claim Australia Day is offensive. But we have seen a number of indigenous leaders defend Australia Day and have stated there are more important issues that are affecting indigenous people in the present day such as domestic violence and sexual abuse in remote indigenous communities and poor health and education outcomes.

In response to the ABC’s youth radio station Triple J moving its annual Hottest 100 countdown from Australia Day several commercial radio stations such as Triple M and WSFM and have launched their own Australian music countdowns. Australia Conservatives leader Cory Bernardi created his own Australian music playlist on Spotify however many of the artists featured led by Savage Garden lead singer Darren Hayes objected to him liking their music, it seems bizarre that you are not allowed to like an artist’s music if you disagree with their politics.

While the left is planning their annual invasion day protests on Australia Day in our major cities Melbourne’s True Blue Crew is planning a public showing of support for Australia Day with a Beach Party in St Kilda. Certainly if the left tried to protest it or the local Port Phillip Council tried to shut it down it would just demonstrate to the public how regressive they had become that  you cannot even publicly celebrate a national recognized holiday without being accused of being Nazis.

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