The Annual Unshackler Awards: 2017 International Media Personality Of The Year Award
It’s that time again where we look back and remember the year that was.
The annual Unshackler Awards is a series of 10 Awards to be released over the next coming weeks to remember the good and the bad as we break the chains of control.
Now it’s time to publicly praise the best media personalities as nominated by The Unshackled team. Then you the public get to reduce it down to just one: The “2017 International Media Personality of the Year Award” which will be announced on Australia Day.
And The Nominees Are:
2017 International Media Personality Of The Year
- Milo Yiannopolous (34%, 14 Votes)
- Alex Jones (15%, 6 Votes)
- Andrew Bolt (12%, 5 Votes)
- Mark Latham (12%, 5 Votes)
- Miranda Devine (7%, 3 Votes)
- Tucker Carlson (7%, 3 Votes)
- Stefan Molyneux (5%, 2 Votes)
- Lauren Southern (5%, 2 Votes)
- Mike Cernovich (2%, 1 Votes)
- Gavin McInnes (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 41
Lauren Southern is a Canadian Alt-Light political activist and internet personality. She has previously ran as a Libertarian Party candidate and has worked for The Rebel Media. In 2017 Southern continued to work independently and published many videos on YouTube. She authored and self-published the book “Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam Screwed My Generation.” She has been outspoken on feminism, Islam, and political correctness.
Miranda Devine is an Australian columnist and writer for News Limited newspapers such as the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Herald Sun, and the Sunday Times. She is known for her conservative stance and describes herself as “a Catholic and a mother.” She has appeared on Mark Latham’s Outsiders program and is a regular on Sky News. She is a men’s rights activist and claimed that “women abusing welfare” were the main cause of domestic violence. She is also outspoken on immigration issues.
Andrew Bolt is an Australian conservative social and political commentator. His current role includes being a columnist for the Herald Sun, co-presenter of a radio show on 2GB, and host of the television show The Bolt Report. On 6th June 2017 Bolt was assaulted in Melbourne by two masked left-wing extremists as he was walking to a launch of a book that is based on Donald Trump and the 2016 Us Presidential Election campaign. He is very outspoken on Islam, immigration, political correctness, and the left.
Alex Jones is an American radio show host and is deemed by the elite to be a conspiracy theorist. He is the publisher and director of the website and also operates He describes himself as a libertarian and a paleoconservative. He is an advocate for gun rights, opposes vaccines, and believes that white genocide is a reality. He also speaks about false flag attacks, the people behind the new world order, and the climate change agenda.
Mike Cernovich is an American right-wing social media personality. His website “Danger & Play” was originally known for its content on men’s empowerment but evolved into a pro-Trump political blog. Cernovich helped popularise the Pizzagate theory and also said the chemical attack in Syria was a hoax. He speaks a lot about white genocide, and has said that date rape “does not exist.”
Stefan Molyneux is an Irish-born Canadian podcaster and Youtuber. He speaks on topics such as anarcho-capitalism, politics, race and intelligence, multiculturalism, anti-feminism, and right-libertarianism. Molyneux theorises that the pursuit of virtue in our personal lives could bring about a stateless society that abhors the initiation of force (NAP). In addition, the free market, polycentric legal systems and private “dispute resolution organizations” (DROs) could be empowered to find new and more peaceful ways of adjudicating common law infractions and contractual disputes. Molyneux is a men’s rights activist and has stated that violence in the world is the result of how women treat their children.
Tucker Carlson is an American conservative political commentator for Fox News. He hosts “Tucker Carlson Tonight” which is in the number one prime time spot where previously The O’Reilly Factor aired. Carlson rejects climate change, opposes abortion, and is against immigration. He is for small government, opposed the war in Iraq, and is a fan of libertarian Ron Paul.
Mark Latham was leader of the Labor Party at the 2004 federal election and since returning to the public eye as media commentator has proven himself to be the only Labor person still in touch with the working class and the struggles they face. He began the year as one of the panelists on Sky News’ Outsiders program but was sacked for calling a Sydney High School student gay for speaking as a woman wanting to have sex with guys for an International Women’s Day feminist video. He then started Mark Latham’s Outsiders which was picked up by Rebel Media which is described as the nation’s most politically incorrect program. He spoke out against the totalitarian left during the same sex marriage debate and launched the timely Save Australia Day campaign. For his efforts to call out anti-white racism he is currently being sued by Junkee’s Osman Farqui.
Gavin McInnes was one of Rebel Media’s most popular personalities with his satirical takedowns of modern culture and leftist antics. He also hosted the Gavin McInnes Show on Compound Media which included his hilarious interviews with SJW feminist ginger CopperCab. He also founded the men’s fraternal organisation the Proud Boys which aims to defend masculinity and provide security from Antifa at right wing rallies. His popularity led to him being poached by Conservative Revolution TV and now hosts Get Off My Lawn on their streaming platform.
Milo Yiannopolous was the biggest enemy of feminists and SJWs on the internet and not afraid of offending or triggering anyone. His opponents thought they had orchestrated his downfall after comments surfaced of him appearing to endorse the homosexual practice of pederasty. He resigned from Brietbart and lost his book deal with Simon & Schuster. However, he returned by launching his own media platform and self-publishing his book which became a best seller. He also embarked on a highly successful tour of Australia which despite the best efforts of the feral left in this nation to shut it down and deny him a visa every show was able to be held to all who wished to see him. Australia has the second biggest Milo following.