TTT 111 Living on the Edge

Can Scott Morison pull off another miracle win at tomorrow’s Federal Election? Jacinda Ardern’s “cost of living” budget tries to solve inflation with helicopter money as the global economy remains on edge. Join Tim Wilms and Dieuwe de Boer on Trad Tasman Talk.
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Monkeypox has reached the shores of Australia leading to panic about another round of lockdowns. It is not a novel virus and first infected humans in the Congo in the 1970s, the smallpox vaccine works as a sterilizing vaccine against monkeypox.
Covid cases have been rising in Victoria and WA. The AMA wants everyone to wear masks again. The Labor South Australian Premier Peter Malinauskas has introduced new covid legislation which will see those found guilty of not wearing a mask or breaching isolation jailed for up to 2 years and fined up to $2k. Health experts are warning of a bad flu season due to a lack of natural immunity.
An internal memo from Stuff has been leaked from senior management which states their audience is over covid. A new alternative NZ media outlet has been founded by ex-mainstream media radio personality Sean Plunket which promises to be the resistance.
It’s budget week in NZ and in a unique way to solve 7% inflation Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced that individuals earning under 70k/y would receive $350 cheques in the mail. This works out to $27 a week over 3 months, which might be enough to buy a block of cheese per week. It could also buy a one-way ticket to Australia? A 1NEWS typo puts NZ Defence spending at 200% of GDP.
Polls have tightened in the final week of Australia’s federal election campaign. Unemployment is now at 3.9%. Wages rose by 2.4% against an inflation rate of 5.1%. Both parties released their costings. Scott Morrison at the Liberals’ campaign launch announced a policy of superannuation access for first home buyers. Later this week he ran into a kid while playing soccer in Tasmania. Morrison also was receptive to the WHO pandemic treaty. Albo has made one last gaffe claiming Australia’s borders closed. He also ran away from a press conference in Western Australia when asked about Labor’s costings.
Labor’s Kristina Kenneally could lose to independent Di Lee in the seat of Fowler. Climate 200 founder and Teal independent funder Simon Holmes a Court was filmed by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg in a tense exchange with Liberal Senator Jane Hume at a Kooyong voting booth. A last-minute change has been made to electoral regulations to allow all covid infected voters in isolation to cast a telephone vote on Election Day.
In Victoria news, the state’s health crisis continues with the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority to be disbanded and rebranded Triple Zero Victoria after a damning report. Labor MLC Harriet Shing has stopped two committee hearings asking about Labor corruption. Shing is married to Dan Andrews Chief of Staff Lizzie Ratcliff. Conservative Christians have launched a campaign to save pro-life MLC Bernie Finn from expulsion from the Liberal Party
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