
The past week saw the streets of Melbourne reclaimed by pro-life and pro-freedom believers. Online we saw Elon Musk reclaim Twitter as a free speech public square. I share the good news as well as the bad news on Tim’s News Explosion.

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The pro-life March for the Babies was finally able to return to the streets of Melbourne after two years of Dan Andrews lockdowns. Socialist Antifa feminists interrupted speakers at the march on 3 occasions with pathetic slogans and stunts. They had their own pro-abortion counter-protest outside Victoria’s Parliament House so Victoria Police prevented the pro-life marchers from passing by the Parliament for ‘safety reasons’

The pro-freedom Mission to Melbourne organized by Tami Jane brought freedom activists from around Australia together for 5 days of protests. The mission was marred however by an assault on Cafe Locked Out host Michael Gray Griffith by another freedom activist Wassim Hammoud. Griffith has been accused of sexual harassment by other freedom women.

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter is at last proceeding. It appears he wants to use his new platform of influence to promote the de-escalation of geo-political tensions and conflicts. Musk favors a peace treaty between Russia and Ukraine, just as we went to air Russian missiles had hit Kyiv in response to the partial destruction of the Russian-built bridge to Crimea. Musk also floated the idea of Taiwan becoming a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

Rapper Kanye West who now wants to be known as Ye appeared at Paris Fashion Week with conservative commentator Candace Owens wearing White Lives Matter shirts. In an interview with Fox News Tucker Carlson Ye said there was intense pressure on him to not support Donald Trump as President. After being welcomed back to Twitter by Elon Musk Ye was quickly suspended for a tweet threatening to reveal Jewish influence.

PayPal attempted to become PayThief publishing a new user agreement where they were going to steal $2,500USD from their users every time they were deemed to spread ‘misinformation’. After users canceled their PayPal accounts en masse PayPal said the new policy was published in error and was not going to be enacted.

Georgia Republican Senate candidate and former NFL star Herschel Walker has been accused of paying a woman for an abortion, he is running on a pro-life platform. Herschel’s son Christian Walker who is a conservative activist posted on Instagram said he is done with his father’s lies and said he was absent during most of his childhood.

The trans kids charity Mermaids UK is in turmoil following the resignation of a trustee Dr. Jacob Breslow after a speech he gave to a pro-pedophile group B4U-Act in 2011 was exposed. Mermaids is also accused of providing chest binding devices to underage children.

March for the Babies Returns to Melbourne’s Streets in 2022 – TU
Kanye Defends ‘White Lives Matter’ Shirt, Says ‘Candace Owens Was The Only Public Figure’ To Back Him With Major Issue – Daily Wire
Ye says it ‘drove me crazy’ to not say he liked Trump, vows ‘I will eventually be president’ – Fox News
Twitter locks Kanye West’s account after tweet about Jewish people – The Blaze
PayPal backtracks on fining users for “misinformation,” calls it an “error” – Reclaim the Net
Herschel Walker: ‘I Love My Son Unconditionally’ – Breitbart
Trustee of Trans Youth Charity Resigns Over Speech at Pro-Pedophile Event – Reduxx

Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.