
With people out and about normally again after two years of rolling lockdowns, they are no longer watching crap legacy media content. On this week’s Tim’s News Explosion I gleefully go through the media falls of the past week.

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ANZAC Day dawn service crowds at Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance were back at full capacity after last year’s shameful lockout of veterans. It is worth remembering how Australians were willing to sacrifice all the freedoms the ANZACs fought for during the past two years of lockdowns and restrictions.

Scott Morrison invoked the war in Ukraine as an example of citizens fighting for freedom. Defence Minister Peter Dutton invoked the possibility of war with China that peace is not forever. The Greens believe that alarm over the Solomon Islands security pact with China is racist. Though Scott Morrison has used to race card claiming that Labor’s attack ads against marginal Liberal MP Gladys Lui are racist.

Gruen Transfer panelist Todd Sampson has triggered Antifa on Twitter for a photo with Blair Cottrell plus the revelation he is producing a new documentary for Network 10/Paramount Plus on hate and social media featuring Thomas Sewell. The White Rose Society and Tom Tanuki claim that platforming them because they are skilled ‘media manipulators’ will lead to more people agreeing with their views.

Less than a month after its launch CNN Plus will be shutting down given only 10,000 people were willing to pay for more CNN. New owners Warner Bros. Discovery and new CEO Chris Licht wish to return CNN to hard news. News Corp’s Talk TV launches in the UK with Piers Morgan its key signing for £50 million over 3 years. His new global show claims it will cancel cancel culture even though he has been fond of cancelling throughout his career.

Netflix share price has plummeted after losing 200,000 subscribers this year, it has constantly raised its subscription fees though its programming quality has declined. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a bill that strips Disney of its special self governing status in Central Florida under the Reedy Creek Improvement Act. This was in response to Disney opposing Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education Act. The Washington Post’s Taylor Lorenz doxxed the creator of the Libs of Tik Tok Twitter account Chaya Raichik claiming this was newsworthy because its reposting of groomer educator videos inspired the Florida bill.

In other news the Biden Administration intends to appeal a Federal Court ruling striking down its air travel mask mandate in an attempt to become even more unpopular. ABC Presenter Fauziah Ibrahim has ‘taken a break’ from on camera duties while the ABC investigates her Twitter lists with triggered drips as they were titled “Labor Trolls/Thugs and “Lobotomised Shitheads”.

Crowds return for Anzac Day service, but some diggers locked out by fence – The Age
Australians celebrate ANZAC Day by recalling how they pussied out and bent the knee to globalist tyranny the past two years – EZFKA
Scumbag ScoMo uses Anzac Day to sell Ukraine war – Collapsitarian
Fears China will build a military base on Solomon Islands are ‘actually racist’ say the Greens – Rebel News
Todd Sampson’s neo-Nazi row: New series on hate and social media slammed – The Age
DeSantis signs bill stripping Disney of special self-governing status – The Post Millennial
Netflix cancels multiple shows amid huge subscriber loss – TechRadar
New CNN chief Chris Licht gives Discovery a chance to build a bridge from Jeff Zucker to a new era – CNBC
Piers Morgan Stands by Claim Trump Walked Off of Interview Despite Audio – Breitbart
Crybully Activist-Journo Taylor Lorenz Doxes ‘Libs of TikTok’ Creator, Goes to the Homes of Her Family Members – The Gateway Pundit
Biden Administration Looks To Reimplement Mask Mandates In Bid To Drive Approval Rating Even Lower – The Babylon Bee
ABC presenter ‘takes a break’ after accusations of bias – SMH

Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.