
The covid vaccine rollout has began as the way to sedate the pandemic. It appears to be sedation season in Australia against those who have either nationalist, traditionalist or pro-freedom views. The Uncuckables panel discusses with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ and vlogger Pissy Leaks Pete.

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The Dan Andrews’ Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 which bans LGBT conversion therapy just passed the Victorian Legislative Assembly with the Liberals copping out and abstaining. This is another assault on freedom and faith by Dan Andrews.

Pissy Leaks Pete attended both Freedom Day demonstrations in Melbourne this past weekend. They were peaceful because Victoria Police stood down. Dan Andrews wouldn’t have liked these peaceful protests against his lockdowns which is perhaps why he is considering introducing a permit system to be allowed to protest.

One day after the Christchurch Royal Commission report was released the Australian Federal Police arrested an 18 year old in Albury for posting threats online. Six hours after that Peter Dutton agreed to Kristina Kennelly’s demand for an inquiry into extremism. Kennelly has been ranting and raving about alleged right-wing extremism all year.

The UK has approved and has begun administering the Pfizer covid vaccine. 90 year old Grandmother Margaret Keenan received the first jab, UK Health Minister Matt Hancock faked cried on national TV over it. But already two healthcare workers have had adverse reactions, this is on top of two volunteers dying during the trials, plus four who took the placebo. Australia’s vaccine rollout will start with prisoners and obese people.

China is continuing to put new tariffs and embargoes on Australian exports. This week the Federal Government passed its Foreign Relations Bill which allows them to tear up agreements state and local governments have with foreign governments such as Dan Andrews’ signing up to China’s globalist infrastructure program One Belt One Road.

New Legislation Could See Christians in Victoria Jailed for 10 Years for Attempting to Convert People – Caldron Pool
Bigoted Judges Rule Children Can’t Give Informed Consent to Irreversible, Untested, Hormone Treatments – Caldron Pool
O’Brien leaves meeting unscathed, calls for pause on gay conversion laws – The Age
Albury teenager Tyler Jakovac urged online group to kill ‘non-whites, Jews and Muslims’, court documents allege – ABC News
Never saw it coming: Allergic reactions to Pfizer Vaccine in England – XYZ
Prisoners And Obese People Among The First To Get Covid-19 Vaccine In Australia – LADBible



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