
With Melbourne in lockdown during Grand Final Weekend, Big Fat Brother will be watching over and under. They will still watch over us even when/if we get to Covid Normal. The Uncuckables panel discusses these fat watches with Tim Wilms Editor of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, Stephen Wells Reg Penney and Pissy Leaks Pete.

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Magda Szubanksi and Assistant Victorian Police Commissioner Luke “Chief Wiggum” “Fatty” Cornelius returned to the headlines this week. The federal eSaftey Julie Inman Grant called online criticism of Magda Szubanksi for appearing in a pro-lockdown propaganda video a coordinated right-wing extremist attack. The Australia Federal Police also spoke about how they are monitoring right-wing extremism.

It’s election season worldwide, Tim and Dave discuss the XYZ view that re-elected New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is a man and looks like a horse. In the Queensland state election, LNP Opposition leader Deb Frecklington will impose a curfew on children in North Queensland if elected, taking a leaf from Dan’s book.

According to Luke Cornelius protesting is now a human right provided it complies with the Chief Health Officer’s directions, Brett Sutton has been missing in action after it was exposed he attempted to hide emails. During Grand Final weekend police will be deploying drones to look for any illegal gatherings. In the rebooted hotel quarantine program Dan wants a tracking device to both locate people and check their vital signs.

Further restrictions are expected to be relaxed again on Sunday, the only outbreak remaining is at an Islamic school in Melbourne’s north. A new stuff up has emerged from the deadly hotel quarantine program as those who were tested for blood glucose could have been exposed to HIV and hepatitis.

Reg and Pete are big fans of Pauly Fenech creator of one of the few remaining anti-PC Australian comedies Housos and Fat Pizza. We preview the new Housos vs the Virus which is premiering on 7mate on October 26.

The US election is less than two weeks away now. Iran was revealed to be behind a fake email campaign to US voters where the Proud Boys supposedly told them to vote for Trump or else. The final US Presidential Election debate between Trump and Biden will be taking place.

If you think Magda Szubanski is fat you’re a terrorist – XYZ
Put Magda in a concentration camp: Sandilands – ABC News
Young Australians are being ‘aggressively radicalised’ through right-wing extremism, federal police warn – SBS News
SBS tacitly admits Jacinda Ardern looks like a horse – XYZ
Because curfews went down so well in Victoria, didn’t they, Deb? – Spectator Australia
Melbourne cafe Arcobar in Moorabbin hires security after Dan Andrews support surcharge sign – 7News
Five suburbs issued COVID-19 warning after student tests positive – 3AW
Blood glucose monitoring in mandatory quarantine – DHHS
Police to monitor Victorians with drones on AFL grand final day – 3AW
Oxford vaccine volunteer dies in Brazil, marking first death reported during a coronavirus trial – SBS News


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Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
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David has studied history and political science at Melbourne University. His thesis was written on how the utilisation of Missile Defence can help to achieve nuclear disarmament. His interest in history was piqued by playing a flight simulator computer game about the Battle of Britain, and he hopes to one day siphon the earnings from his political writings into funding the greatest prog-rock concept album the world has ever seen.
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This is Alt
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Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.