
Shadow forces unleashed an election killer app in the Iowa Caucus. But it was still human beings who were busy laying leadership spills and kills. With so much to unravel the big guns are back together for this week’s Uncuckables with Tim Wilms Editor in Chief of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, James Fox Higgins Director of Rational Rise TV, and for the first half-hour Matty Rose from Matty’s Modern Life.

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Show Description

The show begins with an attempted discussion about Pete Buttigieg’s shadowy win in the Iowa Caucus. Matty prefers to talk about his disdain for democracy and support for propertarianism. He also shares his experience reading the King James Bible.

After Matty departs the rest of the team explore how the head counting app that failed during the Iowa Caucus run by Shadow Inc has links to Hilary Clinton and the Democratic establishment. Buttigieg also has a relationship with Mark Zuckerberg. With Biden now too old Buttigieg is now the chosen one of the Democratic establishment.

Donald Trump was found not guilty by the United States Senate in his impeachment trial. The only Republican Senator to vote to convict on either of the two charges was Mitt Romney for who spite and praise from the mainstream media was a more important consideration.

Trump’s State of the Union address was most notable for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tearing up Trump’s speech at the end. We learnt that this act by Pelosi was pre-planned, not spontaneous as photos were released showing her papers pre-torn so her 79-year-old hands could tear them easily.

Marxist Adam Bandt is the new leader of the Australian Greens after Richard Di Natale retired. Bandt is promising to introduce the Green New Deal to Australia, a concept first created by Democratic Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and recently supported by former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Other discussions include James now living a localist lifestyle with his extended family, plus his other focus on helping men reach their best. We also explore what is going to be the end result of Conservative Inc and will they simply morph into liberal democrats?


After Epic ‘Nightmare’ in Iowa, Democratic App Built by Secretive Firm Shadow Inc. Comes Under Scrutiny – Common Dreams

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Modern Life Channel
Matty Rose/XYZ Live Channel

Author Details
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.
Tim Wilms is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the Host of Tim’s News Explosion, the WilmsFront interview program and The Theorists with Andy Nolch. He based in Melbourne, Australia where he also conducts field reports.