
Take your red pills for tonight’s show, because there’s a lot of brutal reality in this week’s news. In the studio as always is Tim Wilms Editor of Chief of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of The XYZ, joining us for the first half of the show is James Fox Higgins of the Rational Rise and later on Matty Rose from Matty’s Modern Life.

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More is known about the apparent “suicide” of pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein on Saturday while in custody in New York. He was taken off suicide watch after his first “suicide” attempt on July 23, cameras were not pointed on his jail cell, his cellmate was transferred out Friday night, prison guards falsified log records to cover up they were not watching him, and the autopsy showed broken neck bones more common with strangulation.

On Tuesday afternoon Turkish-Cypriot-Australian Mert Ney allegedly ran through the Sydney CBD brandishing a knife screaming “Allah Akbar”. He stabbed a sex worker to death before his rampage, before three brave young males apprehended him with a milkcrate he stabbed one woman in the back but she thankfully survived. The left have tried to deny the accused is linked with Islam, they’ve said that reporting it as an Islamic terror attack is “unhelpful”.

The pro-democracy Hong Kong protests have continued with Chinese tanks on stand by. Back in Australia our leaders dependent on China for economic prosperity don’t know what to do, they were divided by an op-ed by Liberal backbencher Andrew Hastie last week that China poses the greatest threat of our time.

It was revealed this week that the new Liberal MP for the Melbourne seat of Chisholm Gladys Liu was a member of two Chinese Communist Party linked trade and commerce group fronts. So was her Labor opponent in the 2019 federal election Jennifer Yang.

Former Foreign Minister and Deputy Liberal Leader Julie Bishop was interviewed by Andrew Denton this week. She is now a born again feminist demanding 50% female representation in parliament and now decries the “misogyny” that occurred when Julia Gillard was Prime Minister.

CNN host Chris Cuomo from the Italian Cuomo political dynasty flipped out at some street trolls in New York who called him “Fredo” the weak Italian brother from the Godfather films, who Cuomo claimed is the n word for Italians. President Trump joined in the trolling believing that he had always believed Chris Cuomo was Fredo due to his low ratings and is now selling Fredo Cuomo shirts to fund-raise.

Jacinda Ardern decided to interfere in Australia politics claiming we had to answer for climate change in the Pacific islands. 2GB’s Alan Jones said Scott Morrison should put a sock down her throat. That has created mass outrage on social media with it alleged that Alan is again inciting violence against a female public figure.

The stock market dropped 3% in the United States and Australia, prompting fears of a global recession. This has been speculated due to sluggish wages growth, the housing bubble near bursting and the volatility of the current global trade climate.


Australian Liberal MP Gladys Liu’s links to secretive United Front Chinese influence arm – ABC News
Julie Bishop feminist? Liar, liar, red shoes on fire – Independent Australia
Compare Communist China with Communist China – XYZ
Waleed Aly and Terrorist Attack Censorship – XYZ
Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Little Black Book’ Leaked – TU
Jeffrey Epstein’s Injuries More Common in Victims of Strangulation Than Hanging – Summit News
Alan Jones slams Jacinda Ardern’s climate attack on Australia – 2GB
Fredo Unhinged Tee – Trump Store

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