Anthony Albanese Voice Press Conference

Australians have overwhelmingly voted no to inserting an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in our Constitution with all states voting No plus the Northern Territory. Only the Australian Capital Territory voted Yes. Counting by the Australian Electoral Commission continues whose performance during this referendum was extremely poor continues. The National vote is currently at over 60% No.

The ABC and NITV whose groupthink throughout the campaign couldn’t fathom that any Australian would vote No their presenters were glum last night. Australia’s progressive left on social media lashed out at their fellow Australians calling it a day of shame, that Australians can’t grapple with our colonial past and is a nation full of racists who fell for misinformation.


A group calling themselves Indigenous Australians Who Supported the Voice Referendum have called for a week of silence to grieve and are demanding the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags be flown at half-mast.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in accepting the No result read a speech that he clearly did not write and lashed out at the media for spreading so-called misinformation. Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney whose electorate of Barton in Sydney voted No said that today was a day of sadness for many Australians.

Several polls before Referendum Day asked those planning to vote No their reasons. They all concluded that believing misinformation wasn’t a reason, instead voters told pollsters they didn’t want to divide the country along racial lines and believed the voice would undermine the principle of equality. They didn’t understand what the Voice actually was, Anthony Albanese said that after Australians voted Yes only then would the Parliament design how the voice would work in practice.

But the rough draft that the Albanese Government provided was the Voice would have 25 members elected or selected to not just advise the Parliament but any government department or agency on matters they believe affected Aboriginal Australians. The Voice architects such as Marcia Langton, Noel Pearson, Megan Davis and Pat Anderson had their voices heard in governments for decades, their advice was acted upon with no progress made on closing the gap between remote Aboriginal Australians and the rest of the nation.

What Australians were being asked to enshrine in our constitution through the voice is to give the Aboriginal elite and their allies not just permanent control over Aboriginal policy but over Australian government policy as a whole. We already see mining projects delayed, national parks closed off because there is some Aboriginal elder who claims the land is sacred to them and the courts and government agree with them which makes Australia poorer.

The argument from the Yes advocates was just an advisory body was undermined by Albanese’s own words that it would be a brave government to ignore the advice of the voice. Plus there would have always been the possibility that a High Court could rule the voice wasn’t allowed enough time to provide advice before a decision was made therefore slowing down the operations of government.

Albanese’s line that the Voice is what Aboriginal people had asked for through the Uluru Statement from the Heart was not true. 80% of Indigenous Australians did not support the voice, Australians saw through the no campaign led by Jacinda Price and Warren Mundine that Indigenous Australians like every other demographic in Australia did not all think the same. This was not a result of Aboriginal Australians who have the same rights under Australian law as anyone else.

The Yes campaign claimed the strong Yes vote in 22 remote Aboriginal communities was proof they wanted the voice as if that’s the only place where Aboriginal Australians live.

The No result is also a rebuke by Australians against the black armband view of our history and a demonstration of national pride. Throughout the campaign, the communist views of prominent Yes campaigners Thomas Mayo and Teela Reid were exposed showcasing to Australians that this referendum had a much more radical agenda.

Corporate money pumping out advertisements and the leftist campaign machine which saw Yes volunteers easily outnumber those from No didn’t win them the referendum.

This project by Australia’s elites to reshape and change Australia as we know had failed. Australians also aren’t interested in treaties between two groups of elites, truth-telling based on grievance-warped history or reparations paid based on self-identified claims of trauma. They want to celebrate Australia Day and are sick of being told that they shouldn’t. They are tired of Welcome to Country ceremonies and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flag in front of every government building next to the Australian flag. Maybe now Australia has turned a corner a new era of Australian pride has risen.

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