The Project’s silence is deafening.
TV ‘news’ program The Project has been up to no good once again. It is becoming quite a sad program where they continue to drive untruths and leftist agendas. Recently, their targets of social division have been to pin Muslims against Christians and men against women. They do this through their monologues which should often be spoken whilst holding an academy award. Yet what speaks louder than the monologues themselves is the silence they serve when news hits that doesn’t fit their narrative of division.
The most recent and well-known speech came after the horrific Christchurch mosque attack where 51 Muslims were murdered. Instead of taking the moment to try to unite society, Waleed Aly used to platform to say the following;
“Of all the things that I could say tonight — that I am gutted, that I am scared, and that I am filled with utter hopelessness — the most dishonest thing, the most dishonest thing would be to say that I am shocked.
“I’m simply not. There’s nothing about what happened in Christchurch today that shocks me.”
What I gather from this is that Waleed Aly is not shocked by terrorist attacks on Muslims by a white supremacist. He did not go on to give balanced reporting and say that there have been 722 terror incidents this year alone, most of which were committed by Muslims. In fact, when 253 innocent lives were taken (majority Christians) in the Sri Lanka Easter bombings there was no monologue, no speech, just silence. Maybe he wasn’t ‘shocked’ enough by the previous 700 attacks this year alone? Perhaps they didn’t fit the narrative of division. I think more of the latter.
It is not just Waleed Aly who forces his agenda of division but also his co-anchor Lisa Wilkinson. The female anchor on numerous occasions has pinned men and women against each other. Yet the most notable monologue came after the awful murder of Eurydice Dixson by a man who had diagnosed mental illnesses. Her monologue advised boys, brothers, fathers, nephews and grand fathers to stop raping and murdering women. As if Australia was going through a complete societal break down, and that compared to the rest of the world, Australia is performing horrendously.
Now The Project‘s silence and goal of social division became even clearer with the release of a new global report on Women’s safety. For the second year in a row, Australia has been voted the safest country in the world for women. The list, which was compiled from data from consultancy New World Wealth praised Australia as the single greatest country on earth for a woman to live. Did Lisa Wilkinson give a monologue on this? Of course not, that would only unite men and women. Instead there was just silence. Silence until the next unfortunate statistical anomaly fits their narrative of division.