
You would have probably already heard the attacks on Father’s Day this year which will be celebrated worldwide tomorrow Sunday 3rd September. An academic who goes by the name Dr Red Ruby Scarlet appeared on Today Tonight Adelaide to demand we change Father’s Day to Special Persons’ Day to be more inclusive. Even just today an advertisement promoting Father’s Day by the Dads4Kids organisation was pulled off air by Free TV Australia for being deemed too political.

At a time when fatherhood and the traditional family is under attack Father’s Day it is more important than ever that father’s contribution to the raising of their children is valued and celebrated. Despite this attempt at social reengineering by the left Father’s Day is still embraced by the media and major corporations who eagerly promote Father’s Day sales.

But there is one business that is attempting to hijack Fathers’ Day in their sales promotions. That would be the Avid Reader Bookshop in West End in Brisbane. For those not familiar with Brisbane’s geography West End is their inner-city leftie hub, like Newtown is for Sydney and Fitzroy is for Melbourne. For today only they are offering their female customers a 16% discount on instore purchases to highlight the apparent gender wage gap in Australia.

So, a day that is supposed to honour fathers and the male contribution to raising children is somehow being used to promote a feminist cause? What an insult that is. Of course, they are not the first small business to do this. The Handsome Her Café in Brunswick in inner Melbourne made news last month for their charging of an 18% man tax on their male customers, again to highlight the alleged wage gap. Of course, nevermind the fact that the gender wage gap has been debunked time and again.

This bookshop has form when it comes to progressive activism as it refused to stock copies of the biography of former Queensland Premier Campbell Newman when it was released in 2015 because of Newman’s axing of the Premier’s Literary Awards. It is also hosting the Brisbane book launch of Sam Dastyari’s recently published autobiography and also another book from leftist writer and Twitter vulgarian Benjamin Law.

Of course, Avid Reader is a private company and can support any social justice cause it likes (though it should be mindful of existing anti-discrimination laws). But if you live in the Brisbane area, make sure you avoid ever purchasing a book from this shop. Surely anyone who values their father and fatherhood in general should not embrace this bookshop’s insult to the day.


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