
The Unshackled provided extensive coverage of Lauren Southern and Stefan Moleyneux’s Australian tour during July including from both inside and outside the Melbourne event. Because of the aggression of the leftist protestors the tour promoters Axiomatic were given a $68,000 bill from Victoria Police for their services that night. Given that such a charge encourages the left’s antics further they are refusing to pay. To fight the this bill the Free Speech Coalition has been launched to end this warped practice and so future speaking events in Melbourne do not get shut down by the Thug’s Veto.

Australian politics finally settled down after last week’s Liberal leadership crisis. Scott Morrison has been sworn in as Prime Minister and so has his new Ministry. Moderates gained key portfolios, the old conservative guard did not but some other young conservatives were promoted. Tony Abbott and Barnaby Joyce were given new positions as special envoys while Julie Bishop is going to the backbench and Malcolm Turnbull is quitting parliament. The first polls since the leadership spill have shown the Coalition’s vote is at its lowest in 10 years.

We begin the show by chatting with Axiomatic Director and good friend Dave Pellowe who talks about the legal avenues available to fight the police bill. Then we are joined by the Unshackled’s Political Editor Michael Smyth to discuss the new Morrison Government.

Free Speech Coalition
Free Speech Coalition Launched to Fight Southern and Molyneux Vic Police Bill
POLL: Can Scott Morrison Be a Conservative Prime Minister?
Is there any reason to vote for Scott Morrison?

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