
We are told that the justification for Melbourne’s continuing lockdown is it’s about human life. But such as principle has never applied to unborn babies with Victoria having the worst abortion laws in the world. On the mid-week edition of WilmsFront my guest is Marike Rancie also known as Political Posting Mumma to discuss this year’s online March for the Babies protest and what it means to protect all human life.

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Through her Political Posting Mumma Facebook page, Marijke started her activism journey exposing the content of Victoria’s Marxist LGBT Safe Schools program. She participated in the no campaign during the 2017 Marriage Law Postal Survey and campaigned for the Liberal Party in 2018 Victorian state election.

Marijke has had quite the crash course in political activism in the past three years. Being just an ordinary mum to being in a political party machine was a confronting bruising experience. As a result of her activism, she and her family were threatened, doxxed and had to settle a defamation suit for $100k.

The fight against the Victorian Safe Schools program designed by self-proclaimed Marxist Roz Ward is still ongoing despite schools being largely shut in 2020

Marijke took a break from social media at the start of the pandemic, her family is a strong one but the lockdown has taken its toll on her, her husband and children who’ve missed out of social interaction with their peers.

Both Marijke and I had seen the direction our state and society was heading but the fact we are under house arrest in 2020 is still quite confronting. But it is waking more people up to the agenda at play and that they need to stand up for their democratic rights and freedoms.

Marijke is the new Vice President of the March for the Babies. The march is held every year on the Saturday closest to the anniversary of the passing of Victoria’s Abortion Law Reform Act 2008 which legalized abortion up until birth. It remembers those babies killed in the previous year and to lobby for Victorian Parliamentarians to legislate to protect the unborn and vulnerable.

Liberal MLC Bernie Finn is President of the March. This year’s March will be a virtual one online to be covid restriction compliant. Marijke will be speaking along with Liberal National Party of Queensland Senator Amanda Stoker and Director of the Australian Christian Lobby Martin Ilyes.

Contrary to misinformation spread by the pro-abortion lobby pro-life activism support mothers with unplanned pregnancies post their birth making sure they can raise their babies in a secure and loving environment. Love them both is one of the slogans of the March. This year’s slogan is babies lives matter.

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