
On the midweek edition of WilmsFront we cut through the political and media hyperbole about covid and explore what it is really like living and dealing with covid when it enters your household with my guest Melbourne patriot activist Garry Hume.

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Garry has been active in the Melbourne patriot movement for many years. He was a member of the Milo 5 who were charged by police after they being ambushed by far-left protestors at the Milo Yiannopoulos speaking event in Melbourne in December 2017. Garry also stood on the steps of Flinders Street station on Australia Day 2019 with Ricky Turner with an Australian flag. Ricky was almost lynched by the angry feral invasion day crowd who arrived there.

Both Garry and Neil Erikson were not handcuffed when their homes were searched after the Milo riot, unlike when pregnant Ballarat mother Zoe Buhler was arrested and charged for incitement to organise a protest and handcuffed in her own home. Garry believes this was done to strike fear into other Victorians considering participating in anti-lockdown protests.

Melbourne patriot activists have been warning about Dictator Dan Andrews since he was first elected Premier of Victoria in 2014. But in 2020 with Dan locking people in the homes, putting them out of a job and shutting down businesses many Victorians are looking at what led to Dan taking away their freedoms.

Dan from the start of the first lockdown used the big stick enforcement approach threatening fines, then blaming Victorians for the second wave. The source of Victoria’s second wave is Dan’s Government’s incompetence in managing hotel quarantine by not using the Australian Defence Force and a poor contract tracing system.

Garry’s daughter tested positive for coronavirus during a routine test at her workplace. She had to stay in her room for two weeks while she recovered, her only symptom was an upset stomach, the mental isolation was harder on her. The rest of the household and Garry had to isolate for 14 days but all tested negative. They were visited daily by health officials and defence force personnel to check they were complying with quarantine.

Garry and I finish off with our comments on his native UK going back into a six-month lockdown following the Melbourne model after a spike in cases, whether Dan will relax any further restrictions on Sunday and how his curfew and 5km travel limit hindered a community search in the Yarra Rangers for a missing 14-year-old autistic boy who was found dead.

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