Fast – Legalise Vaping Campaign

There is a campaign underway in Australia to legalise vaping which is a cigarette substitute that still contains nicotine however does not contain any of the harmful tar and particles that smoking cigarettes generates. It has helped thousands give up smoking and has been proven to be a more successful method of quitting than going cold turkey. However our governments have taken the advice of the nanny statists in the medical lobby and banned the sale of vapourisers from retail in Australia.
The Legalise Vaping campaign is touring Australia in their Vape Force One educating the public about the benefits of vaping and collecting signatures to lobby our politicians to change the law. They stopped in my home town of Hastings, Victoria so I sat down with their spokesperson Brian Marlow to discuss their campaign and their interactions with the public on the road. We also visited them in the Hastings Town Centre to see their campaign in action.
Links to Legalise Vaping Campaign
Links to Other Vaping Commentary
The Nanny State Kills. Vaping Should Be Legalised
UK experts urge smokers to switch to e-cigarettes for big health gains – Retuers