The Annual Unshackler Awards: 2021 Australian Unshackler Of The Year Award

2021 Australian Unshackler Of The Year

It’s that time again where we look back and remember the year that was.

The annual Unshackler Awards is a series of 10 Awards to be released over the next coming weeks to remember the good and the bad as we break the chains of control.

Now it’s our time to publicly praise the 10 best Australian Unshacklers as nominated by The Unshackled team. Then you the public get to reduce it down to just one: The “2021 Australian Unshackler of the Year Award” which will be announced on Australia Day.

And The Nominees Are:

2021 Australian Unshackler Of The Year

  • Rod Culleton (65%, 337 Votes)
  • Rukshan Fernando (13%, 66 Votes)
  • Craig Kelly (9%, 45 Votes)
  • Max Igan (4%, 21 Votes)
  • Monica Smit (3%, 16 Votes)
  • Pete Evans (3%, 15 Votes)
  • Aussie Cossack (2%, 11 Votes)
  • Harrison McLean (1%, 3 Votes)
  • Fanos Panayides (1%, 3 Votes)
  • Raphael Fernandez (0%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 518

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Pete Evans is an Australian chef & television personality, that in recent times turned to social media to spread awareness of the current problems we face. He has been one of the biggest voices for freedom and has consistently called out mistruths regarding the virus, vaccines, and lockdowns. Pete Evans has a podcast on the Evolve Network and has his own telegram channel.

Max Igan is a documentary film maker, radio host, and leading figure of the truth movement. He is a critic of mandatory masks and government draconian rule, and believes that the virus doesn’t exist and is simply the flu re-labelled. He warns people of the Great Reset and other globalist agendas such as the New World Order that is being pushed by the elite.

Rukshan Fernando went from being a wedding photographer to a popular social media live streamer overnight. He has consistently recorded all of the live protests in Melbourne and has chosen to pursue a path of independent journalism. He recently appeared on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show, and has over 257,000 followers on his facebook page.

Craig Kelly is the leader of the United Australia Party. After leaving the Liberals and joining forces with Clive Palmer, he has managed to muster over 85,000 members which is greater than the 2 major parties combined. He plans on contesting all seats in the upcoming federal election. Kelly put forward a bill that would ban vaccine passports but it was shut down by both of the major parties. He continues to be one of the leading politicians that actually chooses to represent the people rather than big pharma.

Harrison McLean is a freedom activist from Melbourne. He helped establish the World Wide Rally for Freedom events in Melbourne as a response to the draconian policies of the Victorian Government. In September he was arrested for incitement by accusing Dan Andrews of crimes against humanity. He describes himself as a libertarian and is a leading voice against the vaccines and restrictions.

Rod Culleton is the founder and leader of the Great Australia Party. He advocates a return to the original Australian Constitution and for treasonous laws of the past 60 years to be removed. He has played an active role in fighting against government mandates and big pharma.

Monica Smit runs Reignite Democracy Australia. She is a key voice for freedom and has proven to not back down from tyrannical mandates. Earlier in the year she was arrested and purposefully chose to not accept her conditions of bail. She later had a resounding victory in the courts and all of the unreasonable limitations placed on her were removed.

Simeon Boikov has become one of the leading freedom activists in the country. He has managed to get a huge 142,000 subscriptions on his youtube channel and continues to make his daily presence over social media felt. He has had the police raid his house but this does not deter the hard work he puts into spreading the truth about this agenda.

Fanos Panayides was a former reality television contestant that has become a leading figure within the anti-lockdown movement in Melbourne. He was arrested for incitement as he promoted a Freedom Day rally whilst Daniel Andrews deemed protests as illegal during that time. Fanos gave up his job so that he could focus on spreading awareness of all of the lies orchestrated by the mainstream media.

Raphael Fernandez is another prominent freedom activist from Melbourne. He regularly speaks about the radiation health effects of 5G, the fear and paranoia spread by the media, and the draconian rules put in place by Daniel Andrews.

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