The Annual Unshackler Awards: 2018 Australian Regressive Of The Year Award

It’s that time again where we look back and remember the year that was.
The annual Unshackler Awards is a series of 10 Awards to be released over the next coming weeks to remember the good and the bad as we break the chains of control.
Now it’s our time to publicly shame the worst 10 offenders as nominated by The Unshackled team. Then you the public get to reduce it down to just one: The “2018 Australian Regressive of the Year Award” which will be announced on Australia Day.
And The Nominees Are:
2018 Australian Regressive Of The Year
- Daniel Andrews (24%, 76 Votes)
- Malcolm Turnbull (17%, 53 Votes)
- Christopher Pyne (13%, 41 Votes)
- The Faruqi Family (Osman and Mehreen) (11%, 35 Votes)
- Waleed Aly (11%, 33 Votes)
- Yassmin Abdel Magied (8%, 24 Votes)
- Peter Grace (6%, 19 Votes)
- Stephen Jolly (4%, 13 Votes)
- Slackbastard AKA Andy Fleming (4%, 13 Votes)
- Tarneen Onus Williams (2%, 6 Votes)
Total Voters: 313

Christopher Pyne is the Minister for Defence Industry within the Coalition led Federal Government. He has been the member for Sturt since 1993 and has held a variety of ministries in that time. Christopher Pyne has always been suspected of being a closet homosexual, and was one of the leading supporters of the YES to SSM campaign. He was then caught liking a gay porn video on Twitter which only elevated the many rumours of his sexuality, and was also recorded bragging that under Turnbull the Liberal Party had shifted to the left by having key figures such as George Brandis, Marise Payne, Simon Birmingham and himself in big positions within the party. Pyne played an instrumental part in the backstabbing of Tony Abbott as PM, and is loathed by conservatives for destroying the principles that once defined the Liberals and by pandering to the SJW left.
Daniel Andrews is the Premier of the Socialist Republic of Victoria. During the year he has constantly and passionately supported Safe Schools despite all the public concern, he has also been a strong supporter of the Safe Schools founder and known Marxist Roz Ward. Andrews has also supported another indoctrination program into Victorian Schools called the Respectful Relationship Program which teaches all about Male Privilege and that masculinity leads to domestic violence. He has also jumped on the Greens bandwagon by setting unrealistic renewable energy targets and closing the Hazelwood power plant. Under his government Victorians have seen the emergence of the Sudanese Apex gang terrorising Melbournians, but instead of taking a tough approach on this criminal activity he has instead thrown over $2 million into feel good community harmony programs. Andrews is also one politician who is happy to support identity politics by trying to pass a law allowing Victorians to choose their sex on birth certificates. Despite all of the damage he has caused the state, remarkably Victorians decided to re-elect him as Premier in the recent elections that were held in November. Daniel Andrews was the winner of the 2017 Australian Regressive of the Year Award.
Yassmin Abdel Magied is a radio and television presenter of Sudanese origin. She is well known from her outspoken views on Sharia Law which are in conflict with the values of the majority of Australians. On Q&A last year she was confronted by ex-Senator Jackie Lambie when she claimed that Islam was the most feminist religion. She also sparked controversy when she posted “LEST WE FORGET” on her facebook page and related it to refugees rather than the ANZACS. After receiving ongoing condemnation from the Australian people she escaped to London where she had no success in trolling her way to the top via her SJW identitarian attitudes.
Tarneen Onus Williams is an aboriginal far-left extremist that is infamous for making threats during a protest rally against Australia Day. She said “f***k Australia, I hope it f*****g burns to the ground.” Although such behaviour should of been noticed and dealt with by the authorities, she was instead left to preach her hatred against the nation that has given her so much. She also has a crude anti-police tattoo ‘ACAB’ which stands for ‘all cops are b******s.’
The Faruqi Family (Osman and Mehreen) are a mother/son far-left duo that cause a lot of damage in the public arena due to their radical views. Osman Faruqi was a writer for the pop culture website Junkee and is now employed by the ABC, in which he writes many political articles. Faruqi has launched defamation proceedings against Mark Latham for claiming that he promotes “anti white racism and encourages terrorism.” He has also been a former Greens staffer and candidate. Mehreen Faruqi is a NSW Greens MP that promotes abortion, increasing our immigration intake, and is a feminist SJW identitarian. She was triggered by the “it’s OK to be white” motion and said that we are not welcoming to migrants. She also said recently that she wants to get rid of the Melbourne Cup.
Waleed Aly is a Muslim writer and TV presenter. It seems a day does not go by where Waleed is criticising the majority of Australians, in his eyes it seems we are a backward bigoted racist nation. One perfect example is when Waleed took to the New York Times newspaper to accuse our refugee policy of being “brutality repackaged as compassion”. He is also someone that tries to push a progressive agenda within the Islamic community, and is a poster boy for your everyday SJW identitarian issues. Waleed Aly was the winner of this award back in 2016.
Stephen Jolly is a socialist councillor from the inner Melbourne City of Yarra. He was one of the councillors who voted in favour of the City of Yarra deciding to remove all references to Australia Day in 2017. His socialist activism goes back decades where he organised protests in Melbourne outside Pauline Hanson town hall events in the 1990s which involved urine being thrown on Hanson’s supports. Jolly feeling that socialism was back in fashion made a run for state parliament at the recent Victorian election pulling off the feat of uniting the various socialist groups in Melbourne to register the Victorian Socialists. Jolly polled 4.2% in the Northern Metropolitan Region but was unsuccessful in being elected. It has since been revealed that Jolly despite being a feminist has been accused of decades of sexual harassment including sending dick pics.
Malcolm Turnbull was until recently the Australian Prime Minister, and was someone that was hated by both the left and the right. For someone who led the conservative party in Australia, he made same sex marriage happen, supported safe schools marxist programs, climate change, innovation agendas, and was against free speech. He bent over for the Greens, for Labor, and you can tell he never wore the pants in his relationship. He destroyed the Liberal Party by causing a by-election once he lost the leadership which saw an Independent win the seat for the first time. He continues to snipe and throw his 2 cents into public debate, and has never acted in the best interest of his party and of the country.
Slackbastard AKA Andy Fleming on Twitter, whose real identity is unknown (it is suspected to be multiple people) runs a patriot doxing website and is based in Melbourne. Living up to his name the posting is rather slack, only ticking up when there is a major event in the patriot movement. Of course, being the Antifa sympathizer that he is (though hiding behind a keyboard) he believes he is doing important intelligence gathering and exposing alarming trends about the rise of fascists and Nazis in Australia. His website went offline and his social media was deactivated in late October raising suspicions he may have fallen afoul of the authorities, but alas returned a few days after.
Peter Grace used to be a radio producer at Triple M working for Mick Molloy and Tony Martin. Rather than do what most people do in their retirement such as take up a hobby like golf, Grace has a Facebook page where he cuts together videos attempting to mock various figures in the Australian patriot movement. He did have a YouTube channel but was banned for bullying and harassment. Rather than use reasoned arguments Grace resorts to abuse and slurs during his videos thinking this is makes him quite witty. He loves to use the word “incel,” and he would know. Everyone knows the ladies love a fragile old man with no grooming principles who spends his days fighting with 25-year-olds on Facebook. He is also a frequent troll on the Unshackled facebook page where he refers to us as “kiddies” somehow hoping his ad hoc insults will make us cry and leave the internet.