The Annual Unshackler Awards: 2022 Australian Regressive Of The Year Award

2022 Australian Regressive Award

It’s that time again where we look back and remember the year that was. The annual Unshackler Awards is a series of 10 Awards to be released over the next coming weeks to remember the good and the bad as we break the chains of control. Now it’s our time to publicly shame the worst 10 offenders as nominated by The Unshackled team. Then you the public get to reduce it down to just one: The “2022 Australian Regressive of the Year Award” which will be announced on Australia Day.

And The Nominees Are:

2022 Australian Regressive Of The Year

  • Daniel Andrews (89%, 1,380 Votes)
  • Stan Grant (9%, 136 Votes)
  • Lidia Thorpe (1%, 14 Votes)
  • Anthony Albanese (1%, 13 Votes)
  • Mark McGowan (0%, 6 Votes)
  • Brad Hazzard (0%, 3 Votes)
  • Annastacia Pałaszczuk (0%, 3 Votes)
  • Kerry Chant (0%, 1 Votes)
  • Sally Capp (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Monique Ryan (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,556

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Daniel Andrews is the current Premier of the Communist State of Victoria. When he isn’t fighting for far-left SJW causes, he is restricting peoples freedoms with ridiculous lockdowns, and conducted many human rights violations that are only second to Communist China. His tyrannical crusade on the Victorian people has resulted in Melbourne becoming the most locked down city in the world.

Annastacia Pałaszczuk is the current Premier of the State of Queensland. She, like her Labor hero from Melbourne, has made sure she didn’t let a good opportunity go to waste by enforcing freedom stripping restrictions on the populace. These restrictions that apply to people wanting to see dying relatives or pregnant women that end up miscarrying don’t obviously apply to her celebrity mates. To top it off she does a good job collecting DNA for her father’s company, and building lots of quarantine camps for people that she doesn’t like.

Anthony Albanese is the current Prime Minister of Australia. Since his election victory he has increased cost of living pressures with record high interest rate rises, and has been pushing far-left globalist agenda’s such as climate change. He has recently given the green light for local councils to change Australia Day citizenship ceremonies, and continues to push for radical changes to our constitution.

Brad Hazzard is the current NSW Health Minister. He continues to bully people whenever an opportunity arises. He has been quite open in his blatant discrimination towards the unvaccinated when he recently said that he wouldn’t want to be near any of them. He also called on all of us to embrace the New World Order.

Mark McGowan is the current Premier of Western Australia. Shockingly after a good year of bossing around the people of his state, they decided that they would re-elect him with a massive landslide, reducing the opposition to only a few members. He has in the past closed the state borders off and refused entry to anyone that hadn’t had both jabs. He has also mandated the vaccine on a large segment of the workforce.

Kerry Chant is the unelected chief medical bureaucrat of New South Wales. Chant has appeared turned on whilst speaking about vaccinating young children. She continues to criticise the government if they choose to not take on her radical plans. She recently told the public that this was all part of the New World Order, as she scrambles to sell as many doses as she possibly can.

Lidia Thorpe is a far-left extremist Greens Federal Senator. Despite being overwhelmingly white, this doesn’t stop her from identifying with her approx 2% Aboriginal bloodline so that she can milk the taxpayer for benefits and seek sympathy. She is a radical feminist, a supporter of lockdown restrictions, and someone set on burning down the system in replace of a communist dystopia.

Sally Capp is the current Lord Mayor of Melbourne. Since being Mayor she has embraced the LGBT agenda, called for a date change to Australia Day, and has said that covid-19 was a great thing for the city of Melbourne. A fake independent mouthpiece for the globalist establishment.

Monique Ryan is your average teal parliamentarian: an upper class intellectual white woman that wanted a cushy public service job, and in return all she needed to do was be a puppet for Simon Holmes A Court and every other elitist. When she isn’t wasting space in parliament, she is abusing people for not wearing masks and getting their covid jabs.

Stan Grant is your token left wing journalist in 2022. He is host of the far left TV program Q&A, where he ensures that panels are stacked and that conservative opinions are shut down. Despite its continual low ratings we still see tax payer money funding this awful shambles of a program, if he were in any other job he would of been fired.

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