The Uncuckables Ep. 51 Super Supreme Tuesday
The Uncuckables is now twice a week. The first regular Tuesday show is on the eve of the Super Tuesday Democratic Presidental primaries. On the panel for this super supreme occasion is Tim Wilms Editor in Chief of The Unshackled, David Hiscox Editor of the XYZ, and Reg Penney from Channel Reg and NSW Patriots Against the Extreme Left.
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Show Description
We cover the coronavirus panic with locals in Australia buying up toilet paper to prepare for a possible pandemic. We celebrate the closure of the Australian Associated Press as the mainstream media takes another blow. We also cover the disturbing story from the UK of a strange man alleging touching on the bottom Tommy Robinson’s 8-year-old daughter at a swimming pool. Reg covers the NRL new season promo and the NSW Greens promoting drug decriminalisation.
Top Iranian official dies from coronavirus – The Hill
Centre Parcs Child Molesting Nonce Has Tommy Arrested! – TR News
‘Free news’ pressures force AAP closure
More Melbourne media mendacity over Leftist extremists – XYZ
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Reg Penny Links
Channel Reg
NSW Against The Extreme Left